Interface BasicValue.Resolution<J>

All Known Implementing Classes:
InferredBasicValueResolution, NamedBasicTypeResolution, NamedConverterResolution, UserTypeResolution, VersionResolution
Enclosing class:

public static interface BasicValue.Resolution<J>
Resolved form of BasicValue as part of interpreting the boot-time model into the run-time model
  • Method Details

    • getLegacyResolvedBasicType

      BasicType<J> getLegacyResolvedBasicType()
      The BasicType resolved using the pre-6.0 rules. This is temporarily needed because of the split in extracting / binding
    • getCombinedTypeParameters

      default Properties getCombinedTypeParameters()
      Get the collection of type-parameters collected both locally as well as from the applied type-def, if one
    • getJdbcMapping

      JdbcMapping getJdbcMapping()
    • getDomainJavaType

      JavaType<J> getDomainJavaType()
      The JavaType for the value as part of the domain model
    • getRelationalJavaType

      JavaType<?> getRelationalJavaType()
      The JavaType for the relational value as part of the relational model (its JDBC representation)
    • getJdbcType

      JdbcType getJdbcType()
      The JavaType for the relational value as part of the relational model (its JDBC representation)
    • getValueConverter

      BasicValueConverter<J,?> getValueConverter()
      Converter, if any, to convert values between the domain and relational JavaType representations
    • getMutabilityPlan

      MutabilityPlan<J> getMutabilityPlan()
      The resolved MutabilityPlan
    • updateResolution

      default void updateResolution(BasicType<?> type)