Package org.hibernate

Interface SimpleNaturalIdLoadAccess<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SimpleNaturalIdLoadAccess<T>
Loads an entity by its natural identifier. This simplified API is used when the entity has exactly one field or property annotated @NaturalId. If an entity has multiple attributes annotated @NaturalId, then NaturalIdLoadAccess should be used instead.

 Book book = session.bySimpleNaturalId(Book.class).load(isbn);
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • with

      Specify the lock options to use when querying the database.
      lockOptions - The lock options to use
      this, for method chaining
    • withFetchGraph

      default SimpleNaturalIdLoadAccess<T> withFetchGraph(RootGraph<T> graph)
      Override the associations fetched by default by specifying the complete list of associations to be fetched as an entity graph.
    • withLoadGraph

      default SimpleNaturalIdLoadAccess<T> withLoadGraph(RootGraph<T> graph)
      Augment the associations fetched by default by specifying a list of additional associations to be fetched as an entity graph.
    • with

      Customize the associations fetched by specifying an entity graph, and how it should be interpreted.
    • enableFetchProfile

      SimpleNaturalIdLoadAccess<T> enableFetchProfile(String profileName)
      Customize the associations fetched by specifying a fetch profile that should be enabled during this operation.

      This allows the session-level fetch profiles to be temporarily overridden.

    • disableFetchProfile

      SimpleNaturalIdLoadAccess<T> disableFetchProfile(String profileName)
      Customize the associations fetched by specifying a fetch profile that should be disabled during this operation.

      This allows the session-level fetch profiles to be temporarily overridden.

    • setSynchronizationEnabled

      SimpleNaturalIdLoadAccess<T> setSynchronizationEnabled(boolean enabled)
      For entities with mutable natural ids, should Hibernate perform "synchronization" prior to performing lookups? The default is to perform "synchronization" (for correctness).

      See NaturalIdLoadAccess.setSynchronizationEnabled(boolean) for detailed discussion.

      enabled - Should synchronization be performed? true indicates synchronization will be performed; false indicates it will be circumvented.
      this, for method chaining
    • getReference

      T getReference(Object naturalIdValue)
      Return the persistent instance with the given natural id value, assuming that the instance exists. This method might return a proxied instance that is initialized on-demand, when a non-identifier method is accessed.

      You should not use this method to determine if an instance exists; to check for existence, use load(java.lang.Object) instead. Use this only to retrieve an instance that you assume exists, where non-existence would be an actual error.

      naturalIdValue - The value of the natural id
      The persistent instance or proxy, if an instance exists. Otherwise, null.
    • load

      T load(Object naturalIdValue)
      Return the persistent instance with the given natural id value, or null if there is no such persistent instance. If the instance is already associated with the session, return that instance, initializing it if needed. This method never returns an uninitialized instance.
      naturalIdValue - The value of the natural-id
      The persistent instance or null
    • loadOptional

      Optional<T> loadOptional(Object naturalIdValue)
      Just like load(java.lang.Object), except that here an Optional is returned.
      naturalIdValue - The identifier
      The persistent instance, if any, as an Optional