Interface RootGraph<J>

All Superinterfaces:
EntityGraph<J>, Graph<J>, Graph<J>, GraphNode<J>
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RootGraph<J> extends Graph<J>, EntityGraph<J>
Extends the JPA-defined EntityGraph with additional operations.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • makeCopy

      RootGraph<J> makeCopy(boolean mutable)
      Description copied from interface: Graph
      Make a copy of this graph node, with the given mutability.

      If this graph is immutable, and the argument is false, simply return this instance.

      Specified by:
      makeCopy in interface Graph<J>
      Specified by:
      makeCopy in interface GraphNode<J>
    • makeRootGraph

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) RootGraph<J> makeRootGraph(String name, boolean mutable)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Description copied from interface: Graph
      Create a named root graph representing this node.
      Specified by:
      makeRootGraph in interface Graph<J>
      mutable - controls whether the resulting graph is mutable
    • makeSubGraph

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) SubGraph<J> makeSubGraph(boolean mutable)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Description copied from interface: Graph
      Create a new subgraph representing this node.
      Specified by:
      makeSubGraph in interface Graph<J>
    • addSubclassSubgraph

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default <T> SubGraph<? extends T> addSubclassSubgraph(Class<? extends T> type)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Planned for removal in JPA 4
      Specified by:
      addSubclassSubgraph in interface EntityGraph<J>