Interface HibernateCriteriaBuilder

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
GeolatteSpatialCriteriaBuilder, JTSSpatialCriteriaBuilder, NodeBuilder, SpatialCriteriaBuilder<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
CriteriaDefinition, GeolatteSpatialCriteriaBuilderImpl, HibernateCriteriaBuilderDelegate, JTSSpatialCriteriaBuilderImpl, SpatialCriteriaBuilderImpl, SqmCriteriaNodeBuilder

@Incubating public interface HibernateCriteriaBuilder extends CriteriaBuilder
A JPA CriteriaBuilder is a source of objects which may be composed to express a criteria query. The JPA-standard API defines all the operations needed express any query written in standard JPQL. This interface extends CriteriaBuilder, adding operations needed to express features of HQL which are not available in standard JPQL. For example:

Furthermore, the operations of this interface return types defined in the package org.hibernate.query.criteria, which extend the equivalent types in jakarta.persistence.criteria with additional operations. For example JpaCriteriaQuery adds the methods:

Finally, the method createQuery(String, Class) allows a query written in HQL to be translated to a tree of criteria objects for further manipulation and execution.

An instance of this interface may be obtained by calling SessionFactory.getCriteriaBuilder().

See Also: