Interface SqmParameter<T>

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<SqmParameter<T>>, Expression<T>, JpaCriteriaNode, JpaExpression<T>, JpaParameterExpression<T>, JpaSelection<T>, JpaTupleElement<T>, Parameter<T>, ParameterExpression<T>, Selection<T>, Serializable, SqmExpressibleAccessor<T>, SqmExpression<T>, SqmNode, SqmSelectableNode<T>, SqmTypedNode<T>, SqmVisitableNode, TupleElement<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSqmParameter, JpaCriteriaParameter, SqmJpaCriteriaParameterWrapper, SqmNamedParameter, SqmPositionalParameter, ValueBindJpaCriteriaParameter

public interface SqmParameter<T> extends SqmExpression<T>, JpaParameterExpression<T>, Comparable<SqmParameter<T>>
Models a parameter expression declared in the query.
Implementation Note:
Each usage of a given named/positional query parameter will result in a unique SqmParameter instance, each will simply use to the same binding. This is important to distinguish usage of the same parameter in different clauses which effects the rendering and value binding.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      If this represents a named parameter, return that parameter name; otherwise return null.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Parameter<T>
      The parameter name, or null if not a named parameter
    • getPosition

      Integer getPosition()
      If this represents a positional parameter, return that parameter position; otherwise return null.
      Specified by:
      getPosition in interface Parameter<T>
      The parameter position
    • allowMultiValuedBinding

      boolean allowMultiValuedBinding()
      Can a collection/array of values be bound to this parameter?

      This is allowed in very limited contexts within the query:

      1. as the value of an IN predicate if the only value is a single param
      2. (in non-strict JPA mode) as the final vararg to a function
      true if binding collection/array of values is allowed for this parameter; false otherwise.
    • getAnticipatedType

      BindableType<T> getAnticipatedType()
      Based on the context it is declared, what is the anticipated type for bind values?

      NOTE: If allowMultiValuedBinding() is true, this will indicate the Type of the individual values.

      The anticipated Type.
    • copy

      SqmParameter<T> copy()
      Make a copy
    • copy

      SqmParameter<T> copy(SqmCopyContext context)
      Specified by:
      copy in interface SqmExpression<T>
      Specified by:
      copy in interface SqmNode
      Specified by:
      copy in interface SqmSelectableNode<T>
      Specified by:
      copy in interface SqmTypedNode<T>
    • compareTo

      default int compareTo(SqmParameter<T> anotherParameter)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<T>
      Implementation Specification:
      Defined as default since this is an SPI to support any previous extensions