Interface JdbcMapping

All Superinterfaces:
JdbcMappingContainer, MappingType
All Known Subinterfaces:
AdjustableBasicType<J>, BasicPluralType<C,E>, BasicType<T>, ConvertedBasicType<J>, DiscriminatorType<O>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType, AbstractStandardBasicType, BasicArrayType, BasicCollectionType, BasicTypeImpl, BasicTypeImpl, BottomType, ConvertedBasicArrayType, ConvertedBasicCollectionType, ConvertedBasicTypeImpl, CustomMutabilityConvertedBasicTypeImpl, CustomMutabilityConvertedPrimitiveBasicTypeImpl, CustomType, DiscriminatorType, DiscriminatorTypeImpl, ImmutableNamedBasicTypeImpl, JavaObjectType, NamedBasicTypeImpl, NullType, PrimitiveBasicTypeImpl, QueryParameterJavaObjectType, SerializableToBlobType, SerializableType, StandardBasicTypeTemplate

public interface JdbcMapping extends MappingType, JdbcMappingContainer
Describes the mapping for things which can be expressed in a SQL query.

Generally speaking this models a column. However, it can also model SQL tuples as well

This includes details such as

Some mappings will have an associated value converter. The readers and writers for such mappings will already incorporate those conversions

Some mappings support usage as SQL literals. Such mappings will return a non-null literal formatter which handles formatting values as a SQL literal