Interface Statistics

    • Method Detail

      • isStatisticsEnabled

        boolean isStatisticsEnabled()
        Is collection of statistics enabled?
      • setStatisticsEnabled

        void setStatisticsEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Enable or disable statistics collection.
      • clear

        void clear()
        Reset all statistics.
      • logSummary

        void logSummary()
        Log the main statistics at level INFO.
      • getEntityStatistics

        EntityStatistics getEntityStatistics​(String entityName)
        Obtain the statistics for the entity with the given name.
        entityName - the entity name
      • getCollectionStatistics

        CollectionStatistics getCollectionStatistics​(String role)
        Obtain the statistics for the collection with the given role.
        role - the collection role
      • getNaturalIdStatistics

        NaturalIdStatistics getNaturalIdStatistics​(String entityName)
        Obtain the natural id resolution statistics for the entity type with the given name.
        entityName - The entity name that is the root of the hierarchy containing the natural id
      • getQueryStatistics

        QueryStatistics getQueryStatistics​(String queryString)
        Obtain the query statistics for the given query string.
        queryString - the query string, written in HQL or SQL
      • getDomainDataRegionStatistics

        CacheRegionStatistics getDomainDataRegionStatistics​(String regionName)
        Obtain the second-level cache statistics for the given cache region.
        regionName - The unqualified region name
        the statistics for the named region, or null if the second-level cache is not enabled
        IllegalArgumentException - if there is no region with the given name
      • getQueryRegionStatistics

        @Nullable CacheRegionStatistics getQueryRegionStatistics​(String regionName)
        Obtain the second-level cache statistics for the given query cache region.
        regionName - The unqualified region name
        the statistics for the named region, or null if either query result caching is not enabled, or no query cache region exists with the given name
      • getCacheRegionStatistics

        @Nullable CacheRegionStatistics getCacheRegionStatistics​(String regionName)
        Obtain the statistics for either a domain data or query result cache region.

        This method checks both, preferring the domain data region if there is one. Think of it as a cascading check to:

        1. getDomainDataRegionStatistics(java.lang.String)
        2. getQueryRegionStatistics(java.lang.String)
        Note that null is returned instead of throwing an exception when no region exists with the given name.
        regionName - The unqualified region name
        the statistics for the named region, or null if there is no region with the given name
      • getEntityDeleteCount

        long getEntityDeleteCount()
        The global number of entity deletes.
      • getEntityInsertCount

        long getEntityInsertCount()
        The global number of entity inserts.
      • getEntityLoadCount

        long getEntityLoadCount()
        The global number of entity loads.
      • getEntityFetchCount

        long getEntityFetchCount()
        The global number of entity fetches.
      • getEntityUpdateCount

        long getEntityUpdateCount()
        The global number of entity updates.
      • getQueryExecutionCount

        long getQueryExecutionCount()
        The global number of executed queries.
      • getQueryExecutionMaxTime

        long getQueryExecutionMaxTime()
        The time in milliseconds of the slowest query.
      • getQueryExecutionMaxTimeQueryString

        @Nullable String getQueryExecutionMaxTimeQueryString()
        The query string for the slowest query.
      • getQueryCacheHitCount

        long getQueryCacheHitCount()
        The global number of cached queries successfully retrieved from the cache.
      • getQueryCacheMissCount

        long getQueryCacheMissCount()
        The global number of cached queries notnot found in the cache.
      • getQueryCachePutCount

        long getQueryCachePutCount()
        The global number of cacheable queries put in cache.
      • getNaturalIdQueryExecutionCount

        long getNaturalIdQueryExecutionCount()
        The global number of natural id queries executed against the database.
      • getNaturalIdQueryExecutionMaxTime

        long getNaturalIdQueryExecutionMaxTime()
        The global maximum query time for natural id queries executed against the database.
      • getNaturalIdQueryExecutionMaxTimeRegion

        @Nullable String getNaturalIdQueryExecutionMaxTimeRegion()
        The region for the maximum natural id query time.
      • getNaturalIdQueryExecutionMaxTimeEntity

        @Nullable String getNaturalIdQueryExecutionMaxTimeEntity()
        The entity name for the maximum natural id query time.
      • getNaturalIdCacheHitCount

        long getNaturalIdCacheHitCount()
        The global number of cached natural id lookups successfully retrieved from the cache.
      • getNaturalIdCacheMissCount

        long getNaturalIdCacheMissCount()
        The global number of cached natural id lookups not found in the cache.
      • getNaturalIdCachePutCount

        long getNaturalIdCachePutCount()
        The global number of cacheable natural id lookups put in cache.
      • getUpdateTimestampsCacheHitCount

        long getUpdateTimestampsCacheHitCount()
        The global number of timestamps successfully retrieved from cache.
      • getUpdateTimestampsCacheMissCount

        long getUpdateTimestampsCacheMissCount()
        The global number of timestamp requests that were not found in the cache.
      • getUpdateTimestampsCachePutCount

        long getUpdateTimestampsCachePutCount()
        The global number of timestamps put in cache.
      • getFlushCount

        long getFlushCount()
        The global number of flush operations executed, including automatic (either manual or automatic).
      • getConnectCount

        long getConnectCount()
        The global number of connections requested by sessions.

        The actual number of connections used may be much smaller, assuming that a connection pool is in use.

      • getSecondLevelCacheHitCount

        long getSecondLevelCacheHitCount()
        The global number of cacheable entities and collections successfully retrieved from the cache.
      • getSecondLevelCacheMissCount

        long getSecondLevelCacheMissCount()
        The global number of cacheable entities collections not found in the cache and loaded from the database.
      • getSecondLevelCachePutCount

        long getSecondLevelCachePutCount()
        The global number of cacheable entities and collections put in the cache.
      • getSessionCloseCount

        long getSessionCloseCount()
        The global number of sessions closed.
      • getSessionOpenCount

        long getSessionOpenCount()
        The global number of sessions opened.
      • getCollectionLoadCount

        long getCollectionLoadCount()
        The global number of collections loaded.
      • getCollectionFetchCount

        long getCollectionFetchCount()
        The global number of collections fetched.
      • getCollectionUpdateCount

        long getCollectionUpdateCount()
        The global number of collections updated.
      • getCollectionRemoveCount

        long getCollectionRemoveCount()
        The global number of collections removed.
      • getCollectionRecreateCount

        long getCollectionRecreateCount()
        The global number of collections recreated
      • getStart

        Instant getStart()
        The Instant at which this instance of Statistics was created, or since the last time clear() was called.
      • getEntityNames

        String[] getEntityNames()
        The names of all entities.
      • getCollectionRoleNames

        String[] getCollectionRoleNames()
        The names of all collection roles.
      • getSecondLevelCacheRegionNames

        String[] getSecondLevelCacheRegionNames()
        All second-level cache region names. For backwards compatibility, this method returns just the names of regions storing domain data, not query result cache regions.
      • getSuccessfulTransactionCount

        long getSuccessfulTransactionCount()
        The number of transactions we know to have been successful.
      • getTransactionCount

        long getTransactionCount()
        The number of transactions we know to have completed.
      • getPrepareStatementCount

        long getPrepareStatementCount()
        The number of prepared statements that were acquired.
      • getCloseStatementCount

        long getCloseStatementCount()
        The number of prepared statements that were released.
      • getOptimisticFailureCount

        long getOptimisticFailureCount()
        The number of Hibernate StaleObjectStateExceptions or JPA OptimisticLockExceptions that have occurred.
      • getQueryPlanCacheHitCount

        long getQueryPlanCacheHitCount()
        The global number of query plans successfully retrieved from cache.
      • getQueryPlanCacheMissCount

        long getQueryPlanCacheMissCount()
        The global number of query plans lookups not found in cache.