Interface IndexFieldTypeConverterStep<S extends IndexFieldTypeConverterStep<?,​F>,​F>

    • Method Detail

      • dslConverter

        <V> S dslConverter​(Class<V> valueType,
                           ToDocumentFieldValueConverter<V,​? extends F> toIndexConverter)
        Define how values passed to the predicate and sort DSL should be converted to the type of field values.

        When not set, users are expected to pass the field's value type directly.

        Type Parameters:
        V - The type of values that can be passed to the DSL.
        valueType - The type of values that can be passed to the DSL.
        toIndexConverter - A converter from the given value type to the index field type.
        this, for method chaining.
      • projectionConverter

        <V> S projectionConverter​(Class<V> valueType,
                                  FromDocumentFieldValueConverter<? super F,​V> fromIndexConverter)
        Define how values returned when projecting on fields of this type should be converted before being returned to the user.

        When not set, users will be returned the field's value type directly.

        Type Parameters:
        V - The type of values that will be returned when projecting on fields of this type.
        valueType - The type of values that will be returned when projecting on fields of this type.
        fromIndexConverter - A converter from the index field type to the given value type.
        this, for method chaining.