Interface ExtendedSearchSortFactory<PDF extends SearchPredicateFactory>

    • Method Detail

      • field

        FieldSortOptionsStep<?,​PDF> field​(String absoluteFieldPath)
        Description copied from interface: SearchSortFactory
        Order elements by the value of a specific field.

        The default order is ascending.

        Specified by:
        field in interface SearchSortFactory
        absoluteFieldPath - The absolute path of the index field to sort by
        A DSL step where the "field" sort can be defined in more details.
      • distance

        DistanceSortOptionsStep<?,​PDF> distance​(String absoluteFieldPath,
                                                      GeoPoint location)
        Description copied from interface: SearchSortFactory
        Order elements by the distance from the location stored in the specified field to the location specified.

        The default order is ascending.

        Specified by:
        distance in interface SearchSortFactory
        absoluteFieldPath - The absolute path of the indexed location field to sort by.
        location - The location to which we want to compute the distance.
        A DSL step where the "distance" sort can be defined in more details.
      • distance

        default DistanceSortOptionsStep<?,​PDF> distance​(String absoluteFieldPath,
                                                              double latitude,
                                                              double longitude)
        Description copied from interface: SearchSortFactory
        Order elements by the distance from the location stored in the specified field to the location specified.

        The default order is ascending.

        Specified by:
        distance in interface SearchSortFactory
        absoluteFieldPath - The absolute path of the indexed location field to sort by.
        latitude - The latitude of the location to which we want to compute the distance.
        longitude - The longitude of the location to which we want to compute the distance.
        A DSL step where the "distance" sort can be defined in more details.