Interface ConfigurationPropertySource

    • Method Detail

      • get

        Optional<?> get​(String key)
        key - The key of the property to get.
        An optional containing the value of the requested property, or Optional.empty() if the property is missing.
      • resolve

        Optional<String> resolve​(String key)
        key - The key of the property to get.
        An optional containing the key as registered in the underlying configuration source, with any transformation (prefixes, masks) reverted. Whether the optional is empty is not related to the key having a value in the underlying configuration source; instead, the optional is empty only if the key cannot possibly be registered in the underlying configuration source, e.g. if the key is missing a mandatory prefix.
      • withPrefix

        default ConfigurationPropertySource withPrefix​(String prefix)
        prefix - A prefix to prepend to configuration properties.
        A source containing the same properties as this source, but prefixed with the given prefix plus ".".
      • withMask

        default ConfigurationPropertySource withMask​(String mask)
        mask - A mask to filter the properties with.
        A source containing only the properties of this source that start with the given mask plus ".".
      • withFallback

        default ConfigurationPropertySource withFallback​(ConfigurationPropertySource fallback)
        Create a new configuration source which falls back to another source when a property is missing in this source.

        main.withFallback( fallback ) is equivalent to fallback.withOverride( main ) except for one detail: in the first example, a call to resolve(String) on the resulting source will resolve the key against main, but in the second example it will resolve the key against override.

        fallback - A fallback source.
        A source containing the same properties as this source, plus any property from fallback that isn't in this source.
      • withOverride

        default ConfigurationPropertySource withOverride​(ConfigurationPropertySource override)
        Create a new configuration source which overrides the properties defined in this source.

        main.withOverride( override ) is equivalent to override.withFallback( main ) except for one detail: in the first example, a call to resolve(String) on the resulting source will resolve the key against main, but in the second example it will resolve the key against override.

        override - An overriding source.
        A source containing the same properties as this source, overridden by the properties from override, and augmented by the properties from override that are not in this source.