Interface PhrasePredicateFieldStep<N extends PhrasePredicateFieldMoreStep<?,​?>>

  • Type Parameters:
    N - The type of the next step.

    public interface PhrasePredicateFieldStep<N extends PhrasePredicateFieldMoreStep<?,​?>>
    The initial step in a "phrase" predicate definition, where the target field can be set.
    • Method Detail

      • field

        default N field​(String fieldPath)
        Target the given field in the phrase predicate.

        Only text fields are supported.

        Multiple fields may be targeted by the same predicate: the predicate will match if any targeted field matches.

        When targeting multiple fields, those fields must have compatible types. Please refer to the reference documentation for more information.

        fieldPath - The path to the index field to apply the predicate on.
        The next step.