Interface SortFilterStep<S,​PDF extends SearchPredicateFactory>

  • Type Parameters:
    S - The "self" type (the actual exposed type of this step)
    PDF - The type of factory used to create predicates in filter(Function).
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    DistanceSortOptionsStep<S,​PDF>, FieldSortOptionsStep<S,​PDF>

    public interface SortFilterStep<S,​PDF extends SearchPredicateFactory>
    The step in a sort definition where a filter can be set to select nested objects from which values will be extracted for this sort.
    • Method Detail

      • filter

        S filter​(SearchPredicate searchPredicate)
        Filter nested objects from which values will be extracted for this sort.

        The filter is based on a previously-built SearchPredicate.

        searchPredicate - The predicate that must match.
        this, for method chaining.
      • filter

        S filter​(Function<? super PDF,​? extends PredicateFinalStep> clauseContributor)
        Filter nested objects from which values will be extracted for this sort.

        The filter is defined by the given function.

        Best used with lambda expressions.

        clauseContributor - A function that will use the factory passed in parameter to create a predicate, returning the final step in the predicate DSL. Should generally be a lambda expression.
        this, for method chaining.
      • filter

        default S filter​(PredicateFinalStep dslFinalStep)
        Filter nested objects from which values will be extracted for this sort.

        The filter is based on an almost-built SearchPredicate.

        dslFinalStep - A final step in the predicate DSL allowing the retrieval of a SearchPredicate.
        this, for method chaining.