Interface PojoMapperDelegate<MPBS>

Type Parameters:
MPBS - The Java type of the partial build state of the produced mapping.
All Superinterfaces:

public interface PojoMapperDelegate<MPBS> extends BackendMapperContext
A delegate for the POJO mapper, exposing hooks so that mappers based on the POJO mapper can consume metadata.
  • Method Details

    • closeOnFailure

      void closeOnFailure()
      Close any allocated resource.

      This method is called when an error occurs while starting up Hibernate Search. When this method is called, it is guaranteed to be the last call on this object.

    • hints

      default BackendMappingHints hints()
      Specified by:
      hints in interface BackendMapperContext
    • createIndexedTypeExtendedMappingCollector

      <E> PojoIndexedTypeExtendedMappingCollector createIndexedTypeExtendedMappingCollector(PojoRawTypeModel<E> rawTypeModel, String entityName)
      Type Parameters:
      E - The indexed entity type.
      rawTypeModel - The raw type model for an indexed entity type, i.e. a type mapped to an index directly.
      entityName - The name of the entity type.
      A collector of extended mapping information.
    • createContainedTypeExtendedMappingCollector

      <E> PojoContainedTypeExtendedMappingCollector createContainedTypeExtendedMappingCollector(PojoRawTypeModel<E> rawTypeModel, String entityName)
      Type Parameters:
      E - The contained entity type.
      rawTypeModel - The raw type model for a contained entity type, i.e. a type mapped to indexes only indirectly by indexed-embedding.
      entityName - The name of the entity type.
      A collector of extended mapping information.
    • prepareBuild

      MPBS prepareBuild(PojoMappingDelegate mappingDelegate)
      Partially build the mapping based on the information provided previously.

      May only be called once on a given object.

      mappingDelegate - A PojoMappingDelegate.
      The partially-built mapping.