Interface ToDocumentValueConverter<V,F>

Type Parameters:
V - The type of source values.
F - The type of target values in the document model.
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ToDocumentValueConverter<V,F>
A converter from a source value to a target value in the document model.
  • Method Details

    • toDocumentValue

      F toDocumentValue(V value, ToDocumentValueConvertContext context)
      value - The source value to convert to the document model.
      context - A context that can be extended to a more useful type, giving access to such things as a Hibernate ORM SessionFactory (if using the Hibernate ORM mapper).
      The converted index field value.
    • isCompatibleWith

      default boolean isCompatibleWith(ToDocumentValueConverter<?,?> other)
      other - Another ToDocumentValueConverter, never null.
      true if the given object behaves exactly the same as this object, i.e. its toDocumentValue(Object, ToDocumentValueConvertContext) method is guaranteed to always return the same value as this object's when given the same input. false otherwise, or when in doubt.