Interface MappingImplementor<M>

Type Parameters:
M - The concrete type for this implementor.
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MappingImplementor<M>
Interface used by the engine to manipulate mappings

Publicly exposed mapping interfaces do not have to extend this interface; only the implementations have to implement it.

  • Method Details

    • toConcreteType

      M toConcreteType()
    • start

      Start any resource necessary to operate the mapping at runtime.

      Called by the engine once during bootstrap, after backends and index managers were started.

      context - The start context.
      A future that completes when the mapper is completely started.
    • preStop

      Prepare for stop(), executing any operations that needs to be executed before shutdown.
      context - The pre-stop context.
      A future that completes when pre-stop operations complete.
    • stop

      void stop()
      Stop and release any resource necessary to operate the mapping at runtime.

      Called by the engine once before shutdown.