Interface HighlighterBoundaryScannerTypeStep<T extends HighlighterBoundaryScannerOptionsStep<T,N>,N extends HighlighterOptionsStep<?>>

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface HighlighterBoundaryScannerTypeStep<T extends HighlighterBoundaryScannerOptionsStep<T,N>,N extends HighlighterOptionsStep<?>>
The step in a highlighter definition where the boundary scanner type can be set. Refer to your particular backend documentation for more detailed information on the exposed settings.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Break highlighted fragments at the next sentence boundary, as determined by BreakIterator.
    Break highlighted fragments at the next word boundary, as determined by BreakIterator.
  • Method Details

    • sentence

      T sentence()
      Break highlighted fragments at the next sentence boundary, as determined by BreakIterator.
      The next step in a highlighter definition.
    • word

      T word()
      Break highlighted fragments at the next word boundary, as determined by BreakIterator.
      The next step in a highlighter definition.