Interface GenericBooleanPredicateClausesStep<S extends C,C extends BooleanPredicateOptionsCollector<?>>

Type Parameters:
S - The "self" type (the actual exposed type of this collector).
C - The "collector" type (the type of collector passed to the consumer in with(Consumer).
All Superinterfaces:
BooleanPredicateOptionsCollector<C>, PredicateFinalStep, PredicateScoreStep<S>
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface GenericBooleanPredicateClausesStep<S extends C,C extends BooleanPredicateOptionsCollector<?>> extends BooleanPredicateOptionsCollector<C>, PredicateScoreStep<S>, PredicateFinalStep
A generic superinterface for Predicate DSL steps that involve collecting clauses and options of a boolean predicate.

This interface mostly a technical detail to handle generics in the predicate DSL; refer to BooleanPredicateOptionsCollector, PredicateScoreStep or PredicateFinalStep for meaningful documentation.