Interface MatchPredicateFieldMoreStep<S extends MatchPredicateFieldMoreStep<?,N>,N extends MatchPredicateOptionsStep<?>>

Type Parameters:
S - The "self" type (the actual exposed type of this step).
N - The type of the next step.
All Superinterfaces:
MatchPredicateMatchingStep<N>, MultiFieldPredicateFieldBoostStep<S>

public interface MatchPredicateFieldMoreStep<S extends MatchPredicateFieldMoreStep<?,N>,N extends MatchPredicateOptionsStep<?>> extends MatchPredicateMatchingStep<N>, MultiFieldPredicateFieldBoostStep<S>
The step in a "match" predicate definition where the value to match can be set (see the superinterface MatchPredicateMatchingStep), or optional parameters for the last targeted field(s) can be set, or more target fields can be added.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default S
    field(String fieldPath)
    Target the given field in the match predicate, as an alternative to the already-targeted fields.
    fields(String... fieldPaths)
    Target the given fields in the match predicate, as an alternative to the already-targeted fields.

    Methods inherited from interface

    matching, matching

    Methods inherited from interface
