Interface GeoPolygon

public interface GeoPolygon
A polygon in the geocentric coordinate system.
  • Method Details

    • points

      List<GeoPoint> points()
      The points of this polygon. The first and last points are always identical.
    • of

      static GeoPolygon of(List<GeoPoint> points)
      Create a GeoPolygon from a list of points.

      The first and last points must be identical.

      points - The list of points. Must not be null. Must contain at least four points.
      The corresponding GeoPolygon.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the list is null, or if the first and last points are not identical.
    • of

      static GeoPolygon of(GeoPoint firstPoint, GeoPoint secondPoint, GeoPoint thirdPoint, GeoPoint fourthPoint, GeoPoint... additionalPoints)
      Create a GeoPolygon from points.

      The first and last points must be identical.

      firstPoint - The first point. Must not be null.
      secondPoint - The second point. Must not be null.
      thirdPoint - The third point. Must not be null.
      fourthPoint - The fourth point. Must not be null.
      additionalPoints - An array of additional points. Must not be null. May be empty.
      The corresponding GeoPolygon.
      IllegalArgumentException - If any of the arguments is null, or if the first and last points are not identical.