Class SearchAggregationDslContext<SC extends SearchAggregationIndexScope<?>,PDF extends SearchPredicateFactory>

Type Parameters:
SC - The type of the backend-specific search scope.
PDF - The type of factory used to create predicates in SortFilterStep.filter(Function).

public class SearchAggregationDslContext<SC extends SearchAggregationIndexScope<?>,PDF extends SearchPredicateFactory> extends Object
Represents the current context in the search DSL, including in particular the search scope and the aggregation builder factory.
  • Method Details

    • root

      public static <SC extends SearchAggregationIndexScope<?>, PDF extends SearchPredicateFactory> SearchAggregationDslContext<SC,PDF> root(SC scope, PDF predicateFactory)
    • scope

      public SC scope()
      The search scope.
    • rescope

      public SearchAggregationDslContext<SC,PDF> rescope(SC newScope, PDF newPredicateFactory)
      newScope - The new scope for the new DSL context.
      newPredicateFactory - The new predicate factory for the new DSL context.
      A copy of this DSL context with its scope and predicate factory replaced with the given ones.
    • predicateFactory

      public PDF predicateFactory()
      The predicate factory. Will always return the exact same instance.