Interface MatchPredicateOptionsStep<S extends MatchPredicateOptionsStep<?>>

Type Parameters:
S - The "self" type (the actual exposed type of this step).
All Superinterfaces:
CommonMinimumShouldMatchOptionsStep<S>, PredicateFinalStep, PredicateScoreStep<S>

public interface MatchPredicateOptionsStep<S extends MatchPredicateOptionsStep<?>> extends PredicateFinalStep, PredicateScoreStep<S>, CommonMinimumShouldMatchOptionsStep<S>
The final step in a "match" predicate definition, where optional parameters can be set.
  • Method Details

    • fuzzy

      default S fuzzy()
      Enable fuzziness for this match predicate; only works for text fields.

      Fuzziness allows to match documents that do not contain the value to match, but a close value, for example with one letter that differs.

      this, for method chaining.
      See Also:
    • fuzzy

      default S fuzzy(int maxEditDistance)
      Enable fuzziness for this match predicate; only works for text fields.

      Fuzziness allows to match documents that do not contain the value to match, but a close value, for example with one letter that differs.

      maxEditDistance - The maximum value of the edit distance, which defines how permissive the fuzzy predicate will be.
      this, for method chaining.
      See Also:
    • fuzzy

      S fuzzy(int maxEditDistance, int exactPrefixLength)
      Enable fuzziness for this match predicate; only works for text fields.

      Fuzziness allows to match documents that do not contain the value to match, but a close value, for example with one letter that differs.

      maxEditDistance - The maximum value of the edit distance, which defines how permissive the fuzzy predicate will be.

      Roughly speaking, the edit distance is the number of changes between two terms: switching characters, removing them, ...

      If zero, then fuzziness is completely disabled. The other accepted values, 1 and 2, are increasingly fuzzy.

      exactPrefixLength - Length of the prefix that has to match exactly, i.e. for which fuzziness will not be allowed.

      A non-zero value is recommended if the index contains a large amount of distinct terms.

      this, for method chaining.
    • analyzer

      S analyzer(String analyzerName)
      Define an analyzer to use at query time to interpret the value to match.

      If this method is not called, the analyzer defined on the field will be used.

      analyzerName - The name of the analyzer to use in the query for this predicate.
      this, for method chaining.
    • skipAnalysis

      S skipAnalysis()
      Any analyzer and normalizer defined on any field will be ignored to interpret the value to match.
      this, for method chaining.