Class KeyedResultList<R>

  • @Incubating
    public class KeyedResultList<R>
    extends Object
    Support for pagination based on a unique key of the result set instead of the offset. An instance of this class represent a page of results returned by SelectionQuery.getKeyedResultList(KeyedPage). The actual query results are held in getResultList().

    An idiom for iterating pages of keyed results is:

     var query =
             session.createQuery("where title like :title", Book.class)
                     .setParameter("title", "%Hibernate%");
     var resultList =
     var results = resultList.getResultList();
     while ( !resultList.isLastPage() ) {
         resultList = query.getKeyedResultList(resultList.getNextPage());
         results = resultList.getResultList();

    When KeyedResultList is the declared return type of a finder method or HQL query method, the idiom may be written:

     var resultList =
             books.byTitle("%Hibernate%", first(10).keyedBy(asc(Book_.isbn)));
     var results = resultList.getResultList();
     while ( !resultList.isLastPage() ) {
         resultList = books.byTitle("%Hibernate%", resultList.getNextPage());
         results = resultList.getResultList();
    See Also:
    KeyedPage, SelectionQuery.getKeyedResultList(KeyedPage)
    • Method Detail

      • getResultList

        public List<R> getResultList()
        The results on the current page.
      • getKeyList

        public List<List<?>> getKeyList()
        The keys of the results, in order.
      • getNextPage

        public KeyedPage<R> getNextPage()
        The specification of the next page of results, if there are more results, or null if it is known that there are no more results after this page.
      • getPreviousPage

        public KeyedPage<R> getPreviousPage()
        The specification of the previous page of results, or null if it is known that this is the first page.
      • isLastPage

        public boolean isLastPage()
        true if this is known to be the last page of results.
      • isFirstPage

        public boolean isFirstPage()
        true if this is the first page of results.