Class EmbeddableAggregateJavaType<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, BasicJavaType<T>, JavaType<T>

public class EmbeddableAggregateJavaType<T> extends AbstractClassJavaType<T>
Java type for embeddable aggregates, which allows resolving a recommended JdbcType.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EmbeddableAggregateJavaType

      public EmbeddableAggregateJavaType(Class<T> type, String structName)
  • Method Details

    • getStructName

      public String getStructName()
    • getRecommendedJdbcType

      public JdbcType getRecommendedJdbcType(JdbcTypeIndicators context)
      Description copied from interface: BasicJavaType
      Obtain the "recommended" SQL type descriptor for this Java type. Often, but not always, the source of this recommendation is the JDBC specification.
      context - Contextual information
      The recommended SQL type descriptor
    • toString

      public String toString(T value)
    • fromString

      public T fromString(CharSequence string)
    • unwrap

      public <X> X unwrap(T value, Class<X> type, WrapperOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: JavaType
      Unwrap an instance of our handled Java type into the requested type.

      As an example, if this is a JavaType<Integer> and we are asked to unwrap the Integer value as a Long, we would return something like Long.valueOf( value.longValue() ).

      Intended use is during PreparedStatement binding.

      Type Parameters:
      X - The conversion type.
      value - The value to unwrap
      type - The type as which to unwrap
      options - The options
      The unwrapped value.
    • wrap

      public <X> T wrap(X value, WrapperOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: JavaType
      Wrap a value as our handled Java type.

      Intended use is during ResultSet extraction.

      Type Parameters:
      X - The conversion type.
      value - The value to wrap.
      options - The options
      The wrapped value.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object