Class Order<X>

    • Method Detail

      • asc

        public static <T> Order<T> asc​(SingularAttribute<T,​?> attribute)
        An order where an entity is sorted by the given attribute, with smaller values first. If the give attribute is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • desc

        public static <T> Order<T> desc​(SingularAttribute<T,​?> attribute)
        An order where an entity is sorted by the given attribute, with larger values first. If the give attribute is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • by

        public static <T> Order<T> by​(SingularAttribute<T,​?> attribute,
                                      SortDirection direction)
        An order where an entity is sorted by the given attribute, in the given direction. If the give attribute is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • by

        public static <T> Order<T> by​(SingularAttribute<T,​?> attribute,
                                      SortDirection direction,
                                      boolean ignoreCase)
        An order where an entity is sorted by the given attribute, in the given direction, with the specified case-sensitivity.
      • by

        public static <T> Order<T> by​(SingularAttribute<T,​?> attribute,
                                      SortDirection direction,
                                      NullPrecedence nullPrecedence)
        An order where an entity is sorted by the given attribute, in the given direction, with the specified precedence for null values. If the give attribute is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • asc

        public static <T> Order<T> asc​(Class<T> entityClass,
                                       String attributeName)
        An order where an entity of the given class is sorted by the attribute with the given name, with smaller values first. If the named attribute is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • desc

        public static <T> Order<T> desc​(Class<T> entityClass,
                                        String attributeName)
        An order where an entity of the given class is sorted by the attribute with the given name, with larger values first. If the named attribute is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • by

        public static <T> Order<T> by​(Class<T> entityClass,
                                      String attributeName,
                                      SortDirection direction)
        An order where an entity of the given class is sorted by the attribute with the given name, in the given direction. If the named attribute is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • by

        public static <T> Order<T> by​(Class<T> entityClass,
                                      String attributeName,
                                      SortDirection direction,
                                      boolean ignoreCase)
        An order where an entity of the given class is sorted by the attribute with the given name, in the given direction, with the specified case-sensitivity.
      • by

        public static <T> Order<T> by​(Class<T> entityClass,
                                      String attributeName,
                                      SortDirection direction,
                                      NullPrecedence nullPrecedence)
        An order where an entity of the given class is sorted by the attribute with the given name, in the given direction. If the named attribute is of textual type, with the specified precedence for null values. If the named attribute is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • asc

        public static Order<Object[]> asc​(int element)
        An order where the result set is sorted by the select item in the given position with smaller values first. If the item is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • desc

        public static Order<Object[]> desc​(int element)
        An order where the result set is sorted by the select item in the given position with larger values first. If the item is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • by

        public static Order<Object[]> by​(int element,
                                         SortDirection direction)
        An order where the result set is sorted by the select item in the given position, in the given direction. If the item is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • by

        public static Order<Object[]> by​(int element,
                                         SortDirection direction,
                                         boolean ignoreCase)
        An order where the result set is sorted by the select item in the given position in the given direction, with the specified case-sensitivity.
      • by

        public static Order<Object[]> by​(int element,
                                         SortDirection direction,
                                         NullPrecedence nullPrecedence)
        An order where the result set is sorted by the select item in the given position in the given direction, with the specified precedence for null values. If the named attribute is of textual type, the ordering is case-sensitive.
      • isCaseInsensitive

        public boolean isCaseInsensitive()
      • getEntityClass

        public Class<X> getEntityClass()
      • getAttributeName

        public String getAttributeName()
      • getElement

        public int getElement()
      • reverse

        public Order<X> reverse()
        this order, but with the sorting direction reversed.
      • ignoringCase

        public Order<X> ignoringCase()
        this order, but without case-sensitivity.
      • withNullsFirst

        public Order<X> withNullsFirst()
        this order, but with nulls sorted first.
      • withNullsLast

        public Order<X> withNullsLast()
        this order, but with nulls sorted last.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • reverse

        public static <T> List<Order<? super T>> reverse​(List<Order<? super T>> ordering)
        Reverse the direction of the given ordering list
        ordering - a list of Order items
        a new list, with each Order reversed
        See Also: