Interface JpaCriteriaInsert<T>

    • Method Detail

      • getInsertionTargetPaths

        List<? extends JpaPath<?>> getInsertionTargetPaths()
        Returns the insertion target paths.
      • setInsertionTargetPaths

        JpaCriteriaInsert<T> setInsertionTargetPaths​(Path<?>... insertionTargetPaths)
        Sets the insertion target paths.
      • setInsertionTargetPaths

        JpaCriteriaInsert<T> setInsertionTargetPaths​(List<? extends Path<?>> insertionTargetPaths)
        Sets the insertion target paths.
      • onConflict

        JpaConflictClause<T> onConflict()
        Sets the conflict clause that defines what happens when an insert violates a unique constraint.
      • onConflict

        JpaCriteriaInsert<T> onConflict​(@Nullable JpaConflictClause<T> conflictClause)
        Sets the conflict clause that defines what happens when an insert violates a unique constraint.
      • getConflictClause

        @Nullable JpaConflictClause<T> getConflictClause()
        Returns the conflict clause that defines what happens when an insert violates a unique constraint, or null if there is none.