Interface QueryOptions

    • Field Detail

      • NONE

        static final QueryOptions NONE
        Provide singleton access for frequently needed options:
    • Method Detail

      • getFlushMode

        FlushMode getFlushMode()
        The flush mode to use for the query execution
      • isReadOnly

        Boolean isReadOnly()
        Should entities returned from the query be marked read-only.
      • getTupleTransformer

        @Nullable TupleTransformer<?> getTupleTransformer()
        Transformer applied to the query to transform the structure of each "row" in the results
      • getResultListTransformer

        @Nullable ResultListTransformer<?> getResultListTransformer()
        Transformer applied to the query to transform the structure of the overall results
      • getCacheMode

        default CacheMode getCacheMode()
      • getResultCacheRegionName

        String getResultCacheRegionName()
        The query cache region in which the results should be cached. No effect unless isResultCachingEnabled() returns true
      • getQueryPlanCachingEnabled

        Boolean getQueryPlanCachingEnabled()
        Should the query plan of the query be cached?
      • getEnabledFetchProfiles

        Set<String> getEnabledFetchProfiles()
        The explicitly enabled profiles for this query
      • getDisabledFetchProfiles

        Set<String> getDisabledFetchProfiles()
        The explicitly disabled profiles for this query
      • getLockOptions

        LockOptions getLockOptions()
        Describes the locking to apply to the query results
      • getComment

        String getComment()
        The SQL comment to apply to the interpreted SQL query, for dialects which support SQL comments
      • getDatabaseHints

        List<String> getDatabaseHints()
        Hints to apply to the interpreted SQL query
      • getFirstRow

        default Integer getFirstRow()
        The first row from the results to return
        See Also:
      • getMaxRows

        default Integer getMaxRows()
        The maximum number of rows to return from the results
        See Also:
      • getEffectiveLimit

        default Limit getEffectiveLimit()
        Determine the effective paging limit to apply to the query. If the application did not explicitly specify paging limits, Limit.NONE is returned
        See Also:
      • hasLimit

        default boolean hasLimit()
        Did the application explicitly request paging limits?
        See Also: