Hibernate.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 8. Hibernate Validator Specifics

8.1. Public API
8.2. Fail fast mode
8.3. Method validation
8.3.1. Defining method-level constraints
8.3.2. Evaluating method-level constraints
8.3.3. Retrieving method-level constraint meta data
8.4. Programmatic constraint definition
8.5. Boolean composition for constraint composition

In the following sections we are having a closer look at some of the Hibernate Validator specific features (features which are not part of the Bean Validation specification). This includes the fail fast mode, the programmatic constraint configuration API and boolean composition of composing constraints.


The features described in the following sections are not portable between Bean Validation providers/implementations.

Let's start, however, with a look at the public API of Hibernate Validator. Table 8.1, “Hibernate Validator public API” lists all packages belonging to this API and describes their purpose.

Any packages not listed in that table are internal packages of Hibernate Validator and are not intended to be accessed by clients. The contents of these internal packages can change from release to release without notice, thus possibly breaking any client code relying on it.


In the following table, when a package is public its not necessarily true for its nested packages.

Table 8.1. Hibernate Validator public API

org.hibernate.validatorThis package contains the classes used by the Bean Validation bootstrap mechanism (eg. validation provider, configuration class). For more details see Chapter 5, Bootstrapping.
org.hibernate.validator.cfg, org.hibernate.validator.cfg.context, org.hibernate.validator.cfg.defsWith Hibernate Validator you can define constraints via a fluent API. These packages contain all classes needed to use this feature. In the package org.hibernate.validator.cfg you will find the ConstraintMapping class and in package org.hibernate.validator.cfg.defs all constraint definitions. For more details see Section 8.4, “Programmatic constraint definition”.
org.hibernate.validator.constraintsIn addition to Bean Validation constraints, Hibernate Validator provides some useful custom constraints. This package contains all custom annotation classes. For more details see Section 2.4.2, “Additional constraints”.
org.hibernate.validator.groupWith Hibernate Validator you can define dynamic default group sequences in function of the validated object state. This package contains all classes needed to use this feature (GroupSequenceProvider annotation and DefaultGroupSequenceProvider contract). For more details see Section 2.3.2, “Redefining the default group sequence of a class”.
org.hibernate.validator.messageinterpolation, org.hibernate.validator.resourceloadingThese packages contain the classes related to constraint message interpolation. The first package contains two implementations of MessageInterpolator. The first one, ValueFormatterMessageInterpolator allows to interpolate the validated value into the constraint message, see Section 5.3, “MessageInterpolator”. The second implementation named ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator is the implementation used by default by Hibernate Validator. This implementation relies on a ResourceBundleLocator, see Section 5.3.1, “ResourceBundleLocator”. Hibernate Validator provides different ResourceBundleLocator implementations located in the package org.hibernate.validator.resourceloading.
org.hibernate.validator.method, org.hibernate.validator.method.metadataHibernate Validator provides support for method-level constraints based on appendix C of the Bean Validation specification. The first package contains the MethodValidator interface allowing you to validate method return values and parameters. The second package contains meta data for constraints hosted on parameters and methods which can be retrieved via the MethodValidator.

First off, the fail fast mode. Hibernate Validator allows to return from the current validation as soon as the first constraint violation occurs. This is called the fail fast mode and can be useful for validation of large object graphs where one is only interested whether there is a constraint violation or not. Example 8.1, “Enabling failFast via a property”, Example 8.2, “Enabling failFast at the Configuration level” and Example 8.3, “Enabling failFast at the ValidatorFactory level” show multiple ways to enable the fail fast mode.

The Bean Validation API allows to specify constraints for fields, properties and types. Hibernate Validator goes one step further and allows to place contraint annotations also on method parameters and method return values, thus enabling a programming style known as "Programming by Contract".

More specifically this means that Bean Validation constraints can be used to specify

This approach has several advantages over traditional ways of parameter and return value checking:

Example 8.4, “Using method-level constraints” demonstrates the definition of method-level constraints.

Here the following pre- and postconditions for the rentCar() method are declared:

Using the @Valid annotation it's also possible to define that a cascaded validation of parameter or return value objects shall be performed. An example can be found in Example 8.5, “Cascaded validation of method-level constraints”.

Here all the constraints declared at the Customer type will be evaluated when validating the method parameter and all constraints declared at the returned Rental objects will be evaluated when validating the method's return value.

Special care must be taken when defining parameter constraints in inheritance hierarchies.

When a method is overridden in sub-types method parameter constraints can only be declared at the base type. The reason for this restriction is that the preconditions to be fulfilled by a type's client must not be strengthened in sub-types (which may not even be known to the base type's client). Note that also if the base method doesn't declare any parameter constraints at all, no parameter constraints may be added in overriding methods.

The same restriction applies to interface methods: no parameter constraints may be defined at the implementing method (or the same method declared in sub-interfaces).

If a violation of this rule is detected by the validation engine, a javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException will be thrown. In Example 8.6, “Illegal parameter constraint declarations” some examples for illegal parameter constraints declarations are shown.

This rule only applies to parameter constraints, return value constraints may be added in sub-types without any restrictions as it is alright to strengthen the postconditions guaranteed to a type's client.

To validate method-level constraints Hibernate Validator provides the interface org.hibernate.validator.method.MethodValidator.

As shown in Example 8.7, “The MethodValidator interface” this interface defines methods for the evaluation of parameter as well as return value constraints and for retrieving an extended type descriptor providing method constraint related meta data.

To retrieve a method validator get hold of an instance of HV's javax.validation.Validator implementation and unwrap it to MethodValidator as shown in Example 8.8, “Retrieving a MethodValidator instance”.

The validation methods defined on MethodValidator each return a Set<MethodConstraintViolation>. The type MethodConstraintViolation (see Example 8.9, “The MethodConstraintViolation type”) extends javax.validation.ConstraintViolation and provides additional method level validation specific information such as the method and index of the parameter which caused the constraint violation.


The method getParameterName() currently returns synthetic parameter identifiers such as "arg0", "arg1" etc. In a future version of Hibernate Validator support for specifying parameter identifiers might be added.

Typically the validation of method-level constraints is not invoked manually but automatically upon method invocation by an integration layer using AOP (aspect-oriented programming) or similar method interception facilities such as the JDK's java.lang.reflect.Proxy API or CDI ("JSR 299: Contexts and Dependency Injection for the JavaTM EE platform").

If a parameter or return value constraint can't be validated sucessfully such an integration layer typically will throw a MethodConstraintViolationException which similar to javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException contains a set with the occurred constraint violations.


If you are using CDI you might be interested in the Seam Validation project. This Seam module provides an interceptor which integrates the method validation functionality with CDI.

As outlined in Chapter 6, Metadata API the Bean Validation API provides rich capabilities for retrieving constraint related meta data. Hibernate Validator extends this API and allows to retrieve constraint meta data also for method-level constraints.

Example 8.10, “Retrieving meta data for method-level constraints” shows how to use this extended API to retrieve constraint meta data for the rentCar() method from the RentalStation type.

Refer to the JavaDoc of the package org.hibernate.validator.method.metadata for more details on the extended meta data API.

Another addition to the Bean Validation specification is the ability to configure constraints via a fluent API. This API can be used exclusively or in combination with annotations and xml. If used in combination programmatic constraints are additive to constraints configured via the standard configuration capabilities.

The API is centered around the ConstraintMapping class which can be found in the package org.hibernate.validator.cfg. Starting with the instantiation of a new ConstraintMapping, constraints can be defined in a fluent manner as shown in Example 8.11, “Programmatic constraint definition”.

As you can see constraints can be configured on multiple classes and properties using method chaining. The constraint definition classes NotNullDef, SizeDef and MinDef are helper classes which allow to configure constraint parameters in a type-safe fashion. Definition classes exist for all built-in constraints in the org.hibernate.validator.cfg.defs package.

For custom constraints you can either create your own definition classes extending ConstraintDef or you can use GenericConstraintDef as seen in Example 8.12, “Programmatic constraint definition using createGeneric()”.

Not only standard class- and property-level constraints but also method constraints can be configured using the API. As shown in Example 8.13, “Programmatic definition of method constraints” methods are identified by their name and their parameters (if there are any). Having selected a method, constraints can be placed on the method's parameters and/or return value.

Using the API it's also possible to mark properties, method parameters and method return values as cascading (equivalent to annotating them with @Valid). An example can be found in Example 8.14, “Marking constraints for cascaded validation”.

Last but not least you can configure the default group sequence or the default group sequence provider of a type as shown in Example 8.15, “Configuration of default group sequence and default group sequence provider”.

Once a ConstraintMapping is set up it has to be passed to the configuration. Since the programmatic API is not part of the official Bean Validation specification you need to get hold of a HibernateValidatorConfiguration instance as shown in Example 8.16, “Creating a Hibernate Validator specific configuration”.

As per Bean Validation specification the constraints of a composed constraint (see Section 3.2, “Constraint composition”) are all combined via a logical AND. This means all of the composing constraints need to return true in order for an overall successful validation. Hibernate Validator offers an extension to this logical AND combination which allows you to compose constraints via a logical OR or NOT. To do so you have to use the ConstraintComposition annotation and the enum CompositionType with its values AND, OR and ALL_FALSE. Example 8.17, “OR composition of constraints” shows how to build a composing constraint where only one of the constraints has to be successful in order to pass the validation. Either the validated string is all lowercased or it is between two and three characters long.


Using ALL_FALSE as composition type implicitly enforces that only a single violation will get reported in case validation of the constraint composition fails.