Interface DivertControl

public interface DivertControl

A DivertControl is used to manage a divert.

Jeff Mesnil

Method Summary
 String getAddress()
          Returns the origin address used by this divert.
 String getFilter()
          Returns the filter used by this divert.
 String getForwardingAddress()
          Returns the forwarding address used by this divert.
 String getRoutingName()
          Returns the routing name of this divert.
 String getTransformerClassName()
          Return the name of the org.hornetq.core.server.cluster.Transformer implementation associated to this bridge.
 String getUniqueName()
          Returns the cluster-wide unique name of this divert.
 boolean isExclusive()
          Returns whether this divert is exclusive.

Method Detail


String getFilter()
Returns the filter used by this divert.


boolean isExclusive()
Returns whether this divert is exclusive.
if true messages will be exclusively diverted and will not be routed to the origin address, else messages will be routed both to the origin address and the forwarding address.


String getUniqueName()
Returns the cluster-wide unique name of this divert.


String getRoutingName()
Returns the routing name of this divert.


String getAddress()
Returns the origin address used by this divert.


String getForwardingAddress()
Returns the forwarding address used by this divert.


String getTransformerClassName()
Return the name of the org.hornetq.core.server.cluster.Transformer implementation associated to this bridge.

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