Interface ContinuousQueryListener<K,​V>

  • public interface ContinuousQueryListener<K,​V>
    Listener for continuous query events.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default void resultJoining​(K key, V value)
      Receives notification that a cache entry has joined the matching set.
      default void resultLeaving​(K key)
      Receives notification that a cache entry has left the matching set.
      default void resultUpdated​(K key, V value)
      Receives notification that a cache entry from the matching set was updated and continues to match the query.
    • Method Detail

      • resultJoining

        default void resultJoining​(K key,
                                   V value)
        Receives notification that a cache entry has joined the matching set. This is invoked initially when receiving the existing entries that match the query and subsequently whenever a previously non-matching entry is updated and starts to match.
        key - the key of the joining entry
        value - the joining entry or the Object[] projection if a projection was specified
      • resultUpdated

        default void resultUpdated​(K key,
                                   V value)
        Receives notification that a cache entry from the matching set was updated and continues to match the query. The modified attributes causing this update are not necessarily part of the query.
        key - the key of the joining entry
        value - the joining entry or the Object[] projection if specified
      • resultLeaving

        default void resultLeaving​(K key)
        Receives notification that a cache entry has left the matching set. This can happen due to an update or removal.
        key - the key of the leaving entry