All Superinterfaces:

@MessageLogger(projectCode="ISPN") @ValidIdRange(min=10001, max=11000) public interface Log extends org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger
Log abstraction for the remote cache store.
Galder ZamarreƱo
  • Field Details

    • CONFIG

      static final Log CONFIG
  • Method Details

    • cannotEnableHotRodWrapping

      @Message(value="Cannot enable HotRod wrapping if a marshaller and/or an entryWrapper have already been set", id=10005) CacheConfigurationException cannotEnableHotRodWrapping()
    • segmentationNotSupportedInThisVersion

      @Message(value="RemoteStore only supports segmentation when using at least protocol version %s or higher", id=10008) CacheConfigurationException segmentationNotSupportedInThisVersion(ProtocolVersion version)
    • clusteredRequiresBeingShared

      @Message(value="A RemoteStore must be shared in a cache that is clustered", id=10009) CacheConfigurationException clusteredRequiresBeingShared()
    • segmentationRequiresEqualSegments

      @Message(value="Segmentation is not supported for a RemoteStore when the configured segments %d do not match the remote servers amount %s", id=10010) CacheConfigurationException segmentationRequiresEqualSegments(int cacheSegmentCount, Integer serverSegmentCount)
    • segmentationRequiresEqualMediaTypes

      @Message(value="Segmentation is not supported for a RemoteStore when the configured key media type %s does not match the remote servers key media type %s", id=10011) CacheConfigurationException segmentationRequiresEqualMediaTypes(MediaType cacheMediaType, MediaType serverMediaType)
    • segmentationNotSupportedWithGroups

      @Message(value="The RemoteCacheStore cannot be segmented when grouping is enabled", id=10012) CacheConfigurationException segmentationNotSupportedWithGroups()
    • remoteStoreWithoutContainer

      @Message(value="The RemoteCacheStore must specify either an existing remote-cache-container or provide a URI/server list", id=10013) CacheConfigurationException remoteStoreWithoutContainer()
    • shouldUseSameMarshallerWithContainer

      @Message(value="All stores referencing the same manager must use the same marshaller, actual is %s but provided was %s", id=10014) CacheConfigurationException shouldUseSameMarshallerWithContainer(Marshaller inUse, Marshaller provided)
    • unknownRemoteCacheManagerContainer

      @Message(value="The remote cache container with name \'%s\' was not found", id=10015) CacheConfigurationException unknownRemoteCacheManagerContainer(String name)
    • couldNotMigrateData

      @Message(value="Could not migrate data for cache %s, check remote store config in the target cluster. Make sure only one remote store is present and is pointing to the source cluster", id=10016) CacheException couldNotMigrateData(String name)