Package org.infinispan.atomic

This package contains the AtomicMap interfaces and API that Infinispan exposes as building blocks in creating other public interfaces such as the Tree API.


Interface Summary
AtomicMap<K,V> This is a special type of Map geared for use in Infinispan.
Delta Represents changes made to a DeltaAware implementation.
DeltaAware This interface allows the extraction of deltas.

Class Summary
AtomicHashMap<K,V> Note that for replication to work properly, this class requires that all writes take place within the scope of an ongoing transaction or batch.
AtomicHashMapDelta Changes that have occurred on an AtomicHashMap
AtomicHashMapProxy<K,V> A layer of indirection around an AtomicHashMap to provide reader consistency
AtomicMapLookup A helper that locates atomic maps within a given cache.
ClearOperation<K,V> An atomic clear operation.
Operation<K,V> An atomic operation.
PutOperation<K,V> An atomic put operation.
RemoveOperation<K,V> An atomic remove operation.

Enum Summary
NullDelta Represents no changes.

Package org.infinispan.atomic Description

This package contains the AtomicMap interfaces and API that Infinispan exposes as building blocks in creating other public interfaces such as the Tree API.

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