Class InvocationContextContainerImpl

  extended by org.infinispan.context.InvocationContextContainerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InvocationContextContainerImpl
extends Object
implements InvocationContextContainer

Default implementation for InvocationContextContainer.

Manik Surtani (,

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 InvocationContext createInvocationContext()
          If we are in a tx scope this will return an TxInvocationContext.
 NonTxInvocationContext createNonTxInvocationContext()
          Will create an NonTxInvocationContext with the NonTxInvocationContext.isOriginLocal() returning true.
 NonTxInvocationContext createRemoteInvocationContext()
          Returns an NonTxInvocationContext whose NonTxInvocationContext.isOriginLocal() flag will be true.
 RemoteTxInvocationContext createRemoteTxInvocationContext()
          Returns an RemoteTxInvocationContext.
 LocalTxInvocationContext createTxInvocationContext()
          Returns a LocalTxInvocationContext.
 InvocationContext getInvocationContext()
          Returns the InvocationContext that is currently associated with the calling thread.
 void init(TransactionManager tm, TransactionTable transactionTable)
 void resume(InvocationContext ctxt)
          Associates the supplied InvocationContext with the calling thread.
 InvocationContext suspend()
          Dissasociates thread's invocation context and returns the existing value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InvocationContextContainerImpl()
Method Detail


public void init(TransactionManager tm,
                 TransactionTable transactionTable)


public InvocationContext createInvocationContext()
Description copied from interface: InvocationContextContainer
If we are in a tx scope this will return an TxInvocationContext. Otherwise it will return an NonTxInvocationContext. Either way, both context will be marked as local, i.e. InvocationContext.isOriginLocal() will be true. The context is also associated with the current thread, so further calls to InvocationContextContainer.getInvocationContext() will return same instace.

Specified by:
createInvocationContext in interface InvocationContextContainer


public LocalTxInvocationContext createTxInvocationContext()
Description copied from interface: InvocationContextContainer
Returns a LocalTxInvocationContext. The context is also associated with the current thread, so further calls to InvocationContextContainer.getInvocationContext() will return same instace.

Specified by:
createTxInvocationContext in interface InvocationContextContainer


public RemoteTxInvocationContext createRemoteTxInvocationContext()
Description copied from interface: InvocationContextContainer
Returns an RemoteTxInvocationContext. The context is also associated with the current thread, so further calls to InvocationContextContainer.getInvocationContext() will return same instace.

Specified by:
createRemoteTxInvocationContext in interface InvocationContextContainer


public NonTxInvocationContext createNonTxInvocationContext()
Description copied from interface: InvocationContextContainer
Will create an NonTxInvocationContext with the NonTxInvocationContext.isOriginLocal() returning true.

Specified by:
createNonTxInvocationContext in interface InvocationContextContainer


public NonTxInvocationContext createRemoteInvocationContext()
Description copied from interface: InvocationContextContainer
Returns an NonTxInvocationContext whose NonTxInvocationContext.isOriginLocal() flag will be true. The context is also associated with the current thread, so further calls to InvocationContextContainer.getInvocationContext() will return same instace.

Specified by:
createRemoteInvocationContext in interface InvocationContextContainer


public InvocationContext getInvocationContext()
Description copied from interface: InvocationContextContainer
Returns the InvocationContext that is currently associated with the calling thread. Important: implementations of this metrhod is most likely expensive (ThreadLocal.get), it is recommanded to cache the result of this method rather than repeting the call.

Specified by:
getInvocationContext in interface InvocationContextContainer


public InvocationContext suspend()
Description copied from interface: InvocationContextContainer
Dissasociates thread's invocation context and returns the existing value.

Specified by:
suspend in interface InvocationContextContainer


public void resume(InvocationContext ctxt)
Description copied from interface: InvocationContextContainer
Associates the supplied InvocationContext with the calling thread.

Specified by:
resume in interface InvocationContextContainer

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