Uses of Class

Packages that use UnionConsistentHash
org.infinispan.distribution Classes relating to the distributed cache mode. 

Uses of UnionConsistentHash in org.infinispan.distribution

Methods in org.infinispan.distribution that return UnionConsistentHash
static UnionConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.removeAddressFromUnionConsistentHash(UnionConsistentHash uch, Address toRemove, Configuration c)
          Creates a new UnionConsistentHash instance based on the old instance, removing the provided address from both target consistent hash instances in the union.

Methods in org.infinispan.distribution with parameters of type UnionConsistentHash
static UnionConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.removeAddressFromUnionConsistentHash(UnionConsistentHash uch, Address toRemove, Configuration c)
          Creates a new UnionConsistentHash instance based on the old instance, removing the provided address from both target consistent hash instances in the union.

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