Package org.infinispan.marshall

Infinispan makes use of custom marshalling to serialize and deserialize state wherever possible, rather than falling back to the JDK to do this.


Interface Summary
Externalizer Extended interface that extends capabilities of writing predefined objects with the possibility of reading them.
Ids Indexes.
Marshaller A marshaller is a class that is able to marshall and unmarshall objects efficiently.

Class Summary
AbstractMarshaller Abstract marshaller
MarshalledValue Wrapper that wraps cached data, providing lazy deserialization using the calling thread's context class loader.
MarshallUtil MarshallUtil.
UnmarshalledReferences An efficient array-based list of referenced objects, using the reference id as a subscript for the array.
VersionAwareMarshaller A delegate to various other marshallers like JBossMarshaller.

Exception Summary
NotSerializableException An exception that hides inner stacktrace lines for non serializable exceptions.

Annotation Types Summary
Marshallable This annotation is used for those classes that need to be marshalled/unmarshalled between nodes in the cluster or to/from cache stores.

Package org.infinispan.marshall Description

Infinispan makes use of custom marshalling to serialize and deserialize state wherever possible, rather than falling back to the JDK to do this. This package contains the necessary classes for this.

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