Uses of Interface

Packages that use AtomicMap
org.infinispan.atomic This package contains the AtomicMap interfaces and API that Infinispan exposes as building blocks in creating other public interfaces such as the Tree API. 
org.infinispan.tree This package contains the TreeCache. 

Uses of AtomicMap in org.infinispan.atomic

Classes in org.infinispan.atomic that implement AtomicMap
 class AtomicHashMap<K,V>
          The default implementation of AtomicMap.
 class AtomicHashMapProxy<K,V>
          A layer of indirection around an AtomicHashMap to provide consistency and isolation for concurrent readers while writes may also be going on.

Methods in org.infinispan.atomic that return AtomicMap
<MK,K,V> AtomicMap<K,V>
AtomicMapLookup.getAtomicMap(Cache<MK,?> cache, MK key)
          Retrieves an atomic map from a given cache, stored under a given key.
<MK,K,V> AtomicMap<K,V>
AtomicMapLookup.getAtomicMap(Cache<MK,?> cache, MK key, boolean createIfAbsent)
          Retrieves an atomic map from a given cache, stored under a given key.

Uses of AtomicMap in org.infinispan.tree

Fields in org.infinispan.tree with type parameters of type AtomicMap
protected  Cache<NodeKey,AtomicMap<?,?>> TreeStructureSupport.cache

Methods in org.infinispan.tree that return AtomicMap
<K,V> AtomicMap<K,V>
TreeStructureSupport.getAtomicMap(NodeKey key)

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