Interface InvocationContext

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, EntryLookup, FlagContainer
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInvocationContext, AbstractTxInvocationContext, LocalTxInvocationContext, NonTxInvocationContext, RemoteTxInvocationContext

public interface InvocationContext
extends EntryLookup, FlagContainer, Cloneable

A context that contains information pertaining to a given invocation. These contexts typically have the lifespan of a single invocation.

Manik Surtani (,

Method Summary
 InvocationContext clone()
 Set<Object> getKeysAddedInCurrentInvocation()
          Retrieves a set of keys added to the context within the scope of the current ivocation up to the current point in time.
 Object getLockOwner()
          Returns the in behalf of which locks will be aquired.
 boolean hasLockedEntries()
          Returns true if the context has any locked entries associated with it.
 boolean isInTxScope()
          Returns true if this call is performed in the context of an transaction, false otherwise.
 boolean isOriginLocal()
          Returns true if the call was originated locally, false if it is the result of a remote rpc.
 boolean isUseFutureReturnType()
 void setUseFutureReturnType(boolean useFutureReturnType)
Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.context.EntryLookup
clearLookedUpEntries, getLookedUpEntries, hasLockedKey, lookupEntry, putLookedUpEntries, putLookedUpEntry, removeLookedUpEntry
Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.context.FlagContainer
getFlags, hasFlag, isFlagsUninitialized, reset, setFlags, setFlags

Method Detail


boolean isOriginLocal()
Returns true if the call was originated locally, false if it is the result of a remote rpc.


boolean isInTxScope()
Returns true if this call is performed in the context of an transaction, false otherwise.


Object getLockOwner()
Returns the in behalf of which locks will be aquired.


boolean hasLockedEntries()
Returns true if the context has any locked entries associated with it.


boolean isUseFutureReturnType()


void setUseFutureReturnType(boolean useFutureReturnType)


InvocationContext clone()


Set<Object> getKeysAddedInCurrentInvocation()
Retrieves a set of keys added to the context within the scope of the current ivocation up to the current point in time. This is usually all of the keys added to the context, unless transactions are used in which case it is a subset of all the keys added to the context.

a Set of keys, which may be an empty set.

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