Class ChainingCacheStore

  extended by org.infinispan.loaders.decorators.ChainingCacheStore
All Implemented Interfaces:
CacheLoader, CacheStore

public class ChainingCacheStore
extends Object
implements CacheStore

A chaining cache loader that allows us to configure > 1 cache loader.

READ operations are directed to each of the cache loaders (in the order which they were configured) until a non-null (or non-empty in the case of retrieving collection objects) result is achieved.

WRITE operations are propagated to ALL registered cache stores specified, that set ignoreModifications to false.

Manik Surtani

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addCacheLoader(CacheLoader loader, CacheLoaderConfig config)
 void clear()
          Clears all entries in the store
 void commit(GlobalTransaction tx)
          Commits a transaction that has been previously prepared.
 boolean containsKey(Object key)
 void fromStream(ObjectInput inputStream)
          Writes contents of the stream to the store.
 CacheStoreConfig getCacheStoreConfig()
          Returns the configuration object associated to this cache store config.
 Class<? extends CacheLoaderConfig> getConfigurationClass()
          This method is used by the configuration parser to get a hold of the CacheLoader implementation's corresponding CacheLoaderConfig type.
 LinkedHashMap<CacheStore,CacheLoaderConfig> getStores()
 void init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache cache, StreamingMarshaller m)
          Used to initialize a cache loader.
 Set<InternalCacheEntry> load(int numEntries)
          Loads up to a specific number of entries.
 InternalCacheEntry load(Object key)
          Loads an entry mapped to by a given key.
 Set<InternalCacheEntry> loadAll()
          Loads all entries in the loader.
 Set<Object> loadAllKeys(Set<Object> keysToExclude)
          Loads a set of all keys, excluding a filter set.
 void prepare(List<? extends Modification> list, GlobalTransaction tx, boolean isOnePhase)
          Issues a prepare call with a set of modifications to be applied to the cache store
 void purgeExpired()
          Purges expired entries from the store.
 void purgeIfNecessary()
 boolean remove(Object key)
          Removes an entry in the store.
 void removeAll(Set<Object> keys)
          Bulk remove operation
 void rollback(GlobalTransaction tx)
          Rolls back a transaction that has been previously prepared

This method may be invoked on a transaction for which there is no prior CacheStore.prepare(java.util.List, org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction, boolean).

 void start()
 void stop()
 void store(InternalCacheEntry ed)
          Stores an entry
 void toStream(ObjectOutput outputStream)
          Loads the entire state into a stream, using whichever format is most efficient for the cache loader implementation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ChainingCacheStore()
Method Detail


public void store(InternalCacheEntry ed)
           throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Stores an entry

Specified by:
store in interface CacheStore
ed - entry to store
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void fromStream(ObjectInput inputStream)
                throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Writes contents of the stream to the store. Implementations should expect that the stream contains data in an implementation-specific format, typically generated using CacheStore.toStream( While not a requirement, it is recommended that implementations make use of the StreamingMarshaller when dealing with the stream to make use of efficient marshalling.

It is imperative that implementations do not close the stream after finishing with it.

It is also recommended that implementations use their own start and end markers on the stream since other processes may write additional data to the stream after the cache store has written to it. As such, either markers or some other mechanism to prevent the store from reading too much information should be employed when writing to the stream in CacheStore.fromStream( to prevent data corruption.

It can be assumed that the stream passed in already performs buffering such that the cache store implementation doesn't have to.

Specified by:
fromStream in interface CacheStore
inputStream - stream to read from
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void toStream(ObjectOutput outputStream)
              throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Loads the entire state into a stream, using whichever format is most efficient for the cache loader implementation. Typically read and parsed by CacheStore.fromStream(

While not a requirement, it is recommended that implementations make use of the StreamingMarshaller when dealing with the stream to make use of efficient marshalling.

It is imperative that implementations do not flush or close the stream after finishing with it.

It is also recommended that implementations use their own start and end markers on the stream since other processes may write additional data to the stream after the cache store has written to it. As such, either markers or some other mechanism to prevent the store from reading too much information in CacheStore.fromStream( should be employed, to prevent data corruption.

It can be assumed that the stream passed in already performs buffering such that the cache store implementation doesn't have to.

Specified by:
toStream in interface CacheStore
outputStream - stream to write to
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems reading from the store


public void clear()
           throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Clears all entries in the store

Specified by:
clear in interface CacheStore
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public boolean remove(Object key)
               throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Removes an entry in the store.

Specified by:
remove in interface CacheStore
key - key to remove
true if the entry was removed; false if the entry wasn't found.
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void removeAll(Set<Object> keys)
               throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Bulk remove operation

Specified by:
removeAll in interface CacheStore
keys - to remove
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void purgeExpired()
                  throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Purges expired entries from the store.

Specified by:
purgeExpired in interface CacheStore
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void commit(GlobalTransaction tx)
            throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Commits a transaction that has been previously prepared.

This method may be invoked on a transaction for which there is no prior CacheStore.prepare(java.util.List, org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction, boolean). The implementation would need to deal with this case acordingly. Typically, this would be a no-op, after ensuring any resources attached to the transaction are cleared up.

Also note that this method may be invoked on a thread which is different from the CacheStore.prepare(java.util.List, org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction, boolean) invocation. As such, ThreadLocals should not be relied upon to maintain transaction context.

Specified by:
commit in interface CacheStore
tx - tx to commit
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void rollback(GlobalTransaction tx)
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Rolls back a transaction that has been previously prepared

This method may be invoked on a transaction for which there is no prior CacheStore.prepare(java.util.List, org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction, boolean). The implementation would need to deal with this case acordingly. Typically, this would be a no-op, after ensuring any resources attached to the transaction are cleared up.

Also note that this method may be invoked on a thread which is different from the CacheStore.prepare(java.util.List, org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction, boolean) invocation. As such, ThreadLocals should not be relied upon to maintain transaction context.

Specified by:
rollback in interface CacheStore
tx - tx to roll back


public void prepare(List<? extends Modification> list,
                    GlobalTransaction tx,
                    boolean isOnePhase)
             throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Issues a prepare call with a set of modifications to be applied to the cache store

Specified by:
prepare in interface CacheStore
list - modifications to be applied
tx - transaction identifier
isOnePhase - if true, there will not be a commit or rollback phase and changes should be flushed immediately
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
                 Cache cache,
                 StreamingMarshaller m)
          throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheLoader
Used to initialize a cache loader. Typically invoked by the CacheLoaderManager when setting up cache loaders.

Specified by:
init in interface CacheLoader
config - the cache loader configuration bean
cache - cache associated with this cache loader. Implementations may use this to determine cache name when selecting where refer to state in storage, for example, a different database table name.
m - marshaller to use when loading state from a stream, if supported by the implementation.


public InternalCacheEntry load(Object key)
                        throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheLoader
Loads an entry mapped to by a given key. Should return null if the entry does not exist. Expired entries are not returned.

Specified by:
load in interface CacheLoader
key - key
an entry
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems reading from source


public Set<InternalCacheEntry> loadAll()
                                throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheLoader
Loads all entries in the loader. Expired entries are not returned.

Specified by:
loadAll in interface CacheLoader
a set of entries, or an empty set if the loader is emptied.
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems reading from source


public Set<InternalCacheEntry> load(int numEntries)
                             throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheLoader
Loads up to a specific number of entries. There is no guarantee as to order of entries loaded. The set returned would contain up to a maximum of numEntries entries, and no more.

Specified by:
load in interface CacheLoader
numEntries - maximum number of entries to load
a set of entries, which would contain between 0 and numEntries entries.


public Set<Object> loadAllKeys(Set<Object> keysToExclude)
                        throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheLoader
Loads a set of all keys, excluding a filter set.

Specified by:
loadAllKeys in interface CacheLoader
keysToExclude - a set of keys to exclude. An empty set or null will indicate that all keys should be returned.
A set containing keys of entries stored. An empty set is returned if the loader is empty.


public boolean containsKey(Object key)
                    throws CacheLoaderException
Specified by:
containsKey in interface CacheLoader
key - key to test
true if the key exists, false otherwise
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems reading from source


public Class<? extends CacheLoaderConfig> getConfigurationClass()
Description copied from interface: CacheLoader
This method is used by the configuration parser to get a hold of the CacheLoader implementation's corresponding CacheLoaderConfig type. This is usually done by instantiating the CacheLoader and then calling this method. This may result in 2 instances being created, however, since the instance created to get a hold of the configuration type is then discarded and another instance is created for actual use as a CacheLoader when the cache starts.

Since Infinispan 4.1, you can also annotate your CacheLoader implementation with CacheLoaderMetadata and provide this information via the annotation, which will prevent unnecessary instances being created.

Specified by:
getConfigurationClass in interface CacheLoader
the type of the CacheLoaderConfig bean used to configure this implementation of CacheLoader.


public void start()
           throws CacheLoaderException
Specified by:
start in interface CacheLoader


public void stop()
          throws CacheLoaderException
Specified by:
stop in interface CacheLoader


public void addCacheLoader(CacheLoader loader,
                           CacheLoaderConfig config)


public void purgeIfNecessary()
                      throws CacheLoaderException


public LinkedHashMap<CacheStore,CacheLoaderConfig> getStores()


public CacheStoreConfig getCacheStoreConfig()
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Returns the configuration object associated to this cache store config.

Specified by:
getCacheStoreConfig in interface CacheStore

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