JMX Components available

Component Activation (Class org.infinispan.interceptors.ActivationInterceptor)
Component that handles activating entries that have been passivated to a CacheStore by loading them into memory.
Name Description Type Writable
ActivationsNumber of activation eventsStringfalse
Name Description Signature
resetStatisticsResets statistics gathered by this componentvoid resetStatistics()

Component Cache (Class org.infinispan.CacheImpl)
Component that represents an individual cache instance.
Name Description Type Writable
CacheNameReturns the cache nameStringfalse
CacheStatusReturns the cache statusStringfalse
ConfigurationAsXmlStringReturns the cache configuration as XML stringStringfalse
Name Description Signature
startStarts the cache.void start()
stopStops the cache.void stop()

Component CacheLoader (Class org.infinispan.interceptors.CacheLoaderInterceptor)
Component that handles loading entries from a CacheStore into memory.
Name Description Type Writable
CacheLoaderLoadsNumber of entries loaded from cache storelongfalse
CacheLoaderMissesNumber of entries that did not exist in cache storelongfalse
Name Description Signature
resetStatisticsResets statistics gathered by this componentvoid resetStatistics()

Component CacheManager (Class org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager)
Component that acts as a manager, factory and container for caches in the system.
Name Description Type Writable
CacheManagerStatusThe status of the cache manager instance.Stringfalse
ClusterMembersList of members in the clusterStringfalse
ClusterSizeSize of the cluster in number of nodesintfalse
CreatedCacheCountThe total number of created caches, including the default cache.Stringfalse
DefinedCacheCountThe total number of defined caches, excluding the default cache.Stringfalse
DefinedCacheNamesThe defined cache names and their statuses. The default cache is not included in this representation.Stringfalse
NameThe name of this cache managerStringfalse
NodeAddressThe network address associated with this instanceStringfalse
PhysicalAddressesThe physical network addresses associated with this instanceStringfalse
RunningCacheCountThe total number of running caches, including the default cache.Stringfalse
VersionInfinispan version.Stringfalse
Name Description Signature
startCacheStarts the default cache associated with this cache managervoid startCache()
startCacheStarts a named cache from this cache managervoid startCache(String p0)

Component CacheStore (Class org.infinispan.interceptors.CacheStoreInterceptor)
Component that handles storing of entries to a CacheStore from memory.
Name Description Type Writable
CacheLoaderStoresnumber of cache loader storeslongfalse
Name Description Signature
resetStatisticsResets statistics gathered by this componentvoid resetStatistics()

Component DeadlockDetectingLockManager (Class org.infinispan.util.concurrent.locks.DeadlockDetectingLockManager)
Information about the number of deadlocks that were detected
Name Description Type Writable
DetectedLocalDeadlocksNumber of local transaction that were roll backed due to deadlockslongfalse
DetectedRemoteDeadlocksNumber of remote transaction that were roll backed due to deadlockslongfalse
LocallyInterruptedTransactionsNumber of locally originated transactions that were interrupted as a deadlock situation was detectedlongfalse
OverlapWithNotDeadlockAwareLockOwnersNumber of situations when we try to determine a deadlock and the other lock owner is NOT a transaction. In this scenario we cannot run the deadlock detection mechanismlongfalse
TotalNumberOfDetectedDeadlocksTotal number of local detected deadlockslongfalse
Name Description Signature
resetStatisticsResets statistics gathered by this componentvoid resetStatistics()

Component DistributionManager (Class org.infinispan.distribution.DistributionManagerImpl)
Component that handles distribution of content across a cluster
Name Description Type Writable
RehashInProgressChecks whether there is a pending rehash in the cluster.booleanfalse
joinCompleteIf true, the node has successfully joined the grid and is considered to hold state. If false, the join process is still in progress.booleanfalse
Name Description Signature
isAffectedByRehashDetermines whether a given key is affected by an ongoing rehash, if any.boolean isAffectedByRehash(Object p0)
isLocatedLocallyTells you whether a given key is local to this instance of the cache. Only works with String keys.boolean isLocatedLocally(String p0)
locateKeyLocates an object in a cluster. Only works with String keys.List locateKey(String p0)

Component Invalidation (Class org.infinispan.interceptors.InvalidationInterceptor)
Component responsible for invalidating entries on remote caches when entries are written to locally.
Name Description Type Writable
InvalidationsNumber of invalidationslongfalse
statisticsEnabledEnables or disables the gathering of statistics by this componentbooleantrue
Name Description Signature
resetStatisticsResets statistics gathered by this componentvoid resetStatistics()

Component LockManager (Class org.infinispan.util.concurrent.locks.LockManagerImpl)
Manager that handles MVCC locks for entries
Name Description Type Writable
ConcurrencyLevelThe concurrency level that the MVCC Lock Manager has been configured with.intfalse
NumberOfLocksAvailableThe number of exclusive locks that are available.intfalse
NumberOfLocksHeldThe number of exclusive locks that are held.intfalse

Component Passivation (Class org.infinispan.interceptors.PassivationInterceptor)
Component that handles passivating entries to a CacheStore on eviction.
Name Description Type Writable
PassivationsNumber of passivation eventsStringfalse
Name Description Signature
resetStatisticsResets statistics gathered by this componentvoid resetStatistics()

Component RecoveryAdmin (Class org.infinispan.transaction.xa.recovery.RecoveryAdminOperations)
Exposes tooling for handling transaction recovery.
Name Description Signature
forceCommitForces the commit of an in-doubt transactionString forceCommit(long p0)
forceCommitForces the commit of an in-doubt transactionString forceCommit(int p0, byte p1, byte p2)
forceRollbackForces the rollback of an in-doubt transactionString forceRollback(long p0)
forceRollbackForces the rollback of an in-doubt transactionString forceRollback(int p0, byte p1, byte p2)
forgetRemoves recovery info for the given transaction.String forget(int p0, byte p1, byte p2)
forgetRemoves recovery info for the given transaction.String forget(long p0)
showInDoubtTransactionsShows all the prepared transactions for which the originating node crashedString showInDoubtTransactions()

Component RpcManager (Class org.infinispan.remoting.rpc.RpcManagerImpl)
Manages all remote calls to remote cache instances in the cluster.
Name Description Type Writable
AverageReplicationTimeThe average time spent in the transport layer, in millisecondslongfalse
ReplicationCountNumber of successful replicationslongfalse
ReplicationFailuresNumber of failed replicationslongfalse
SuccessRatioSuccessful replications as a ratio of total replicationsStringfalse
SuccessRatioFloatingPointSuccessful replications as a ratio of total replications in numeric double formatdoublefalse
statisticsEnabledEnables or disables the gathering of statistics by this componentbooleantrue
Name Description Signature
resetStatisticsResets statistics gathered by this componentvoid resetStatistics()

Component Statistics (Class org.infinispan.interceptors.CacheMgmtInterceptor)
General statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, etc.
Name Description Type Writable
AverageReadTimeAverage number of milliseconds for a read operation on the cachelongfalse
AverageWriteTimeAverage number of milliseconds for a write operation in the cachelongfalse
ElapsedTimeNumber of seconds since cache startedlongfalse
EvictionsNumber of cache eviction operationslongfalse
HitRatioPercentage hit/(hit+miss) ratio for the cachedoublefalse
HitsNumber of cache attribute hitslongfalse
MissesNumber of cache attribute misseslongfalse
NumberOfEntriesNumber of entries currently in the cacheintfalse
ReadWriteRatioread/writes ratio for the cachedoublefalse
RemoveHitsNumber of cache removal hitslongfalse
RemoveMissesNumber of cache removals where keys were not foundlongfalse
Storesnumber of cache attribute put operationslongfalse
TimeSinceResetNumber of seconds since the cache statistics were last resetlongfalse
Name Description Signature
resetStatisticsResets statistics gathered by this componentvoid resetStatistics()

Component Transactions (Class org.infinispan.interceptors.TxInterceptor)
Component that manages the cache's participation in JTA transactions.
Name Description Type Writable
CommitsNumber of transaction commits performed since last resetlongfalse
PreparesNumber of transaction prepares performed since last resetlongfalse
RollbacksNumber of transaction rollbacks performed since last resetlongfalse
statisticsEnabledEnables or disables the gathering of statistics by this componentbooleantrue
Name Description Signature
resetStatisticsResets statistics gathered by this componentvoid resetStatistics()

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