Class LockManagerImpl

  extended by org.infinispan.util.concurrent.locks.LockManagerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class LockManagerImpl
extends Object
implements LockManager

Handles locks for the MVCC based LockingInterceptor

Manik Surtani (

Field Summary
protected  Configuration configuration
protected  LockContainer lockContainer
protected static boolean trace
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int getConcurrencyLevel()
protected  long getLockAcquisitionTimeout(InvocationContext ctx)
 int getLockId(Object key)
          Returns the 'id' of the lock that will be used to guard access to a given key in the cache.
 int getNumberOfLocksAvailable()
 int getNumberOfLocksHeld()
          Retrieves the number of locks currently held.
 Object getOwner(Object key)
          Retrieves the write lock owner, if any, for the specified cache entry.
 void injectDependencies(Configuration configuration, TransactionManager transactionManager, InvocationContextContainer invocationContextContainer)
 boolean isLocked(Object key)
          Returns true if the cache entry is locked (either for reading or writing) by anyone, and false otherwise.
 boolean lockAndRecord(Object key, InvocationContext ctx)
          Acquires a lock of type lockType, on a specific entry in the cache.
 boolean ownsLock(Object key, Object owner)
          Tests whether a given owner owns a lock of lockType on a particular cache entry.
 boolean possiblyLocked(CacheEntry entry)
          Inspects the entry for signs that it is possibly locked, and hence would need to be unlocked.
 String printLockInfo()
          Prints lock information for all locks.
 void releaseLocks(InvocationContext ctx)
          Cleanups the locks within the given context.
 void startLockManager()
 void unlock(InvocationContext ctx)
          Releases locks present in an invocation context and transaction entry, if one is available.
 void unlock(Object key)
          Releases the lock passed in, held by the specified owner
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Configuration configuration


protected LockContainer lockContainer


protected static final boolean trace
Constructor Detail


public LockManagerImpl()
Method Detail


public void injectDependencies(Configuration configuration,
                               TransactionManager transactionManager,
                               InvocationContextContainer invocationContextContainer)


public void startLockManager()


public boolean lockAndRecord(Object key,
                             InvocationContext ctx)
                      throws InterruptedException
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Acquires a lock of type lockType, on a specific entry in the cache. This method will try for a period of time and give up if it is unable to acquire the required lock. The period of time is specified in Configuration.getLockAcquisitionTimeout().

Specified by:
lockAndRecord in interface LockManager
key - key to lock
ctx - invocation context associated with this invocation
true if the lock was acquired, false otherwise.
InterruptedException - if interrupted


protected long getLockAcquisitionTimeout(InvocationContext ctx)


public void unlock(Object key)
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Releases the lock passed in, held by the specified owner

Specified by:
unlock in interface LockManager


public void unlock(InvocationContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Releases locks present in an invocation context and transaction entry, if one is available.

Locks are released in reverse order of which they are acquired and registered.

Specified by:
unlock in interface LockManager
ctx - invocation context to inspect


public boolean ownsLock(Object key,
                        Object owner)
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Tests whether a given owner owns a lock of lockType on a particular cache entry.

Specified by:
ownsLock in interface LockManager
owner - owner
true if the owner does own the specified lock type on the specified cache entry, false otherwise.


public boolean isLocked(Object key)
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Returns true if the cache entry is locked (either for reading or writing) by anyone, and false otherwise.

Specified by:
isLocked in interface LockManager
true of locked; false if not.


public Object getOwner(Object key)
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Retrieves the write lock owner, if any, for the specified cache entry.

Specified by:
getOwner in interface LockManager
the owner of the lock, or null if not locked.


public String printLockInfo()
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Prints lock information for all locks.

Specified by:
printLockInfo in interface LockManager
lock information


public final boolean possiblyLocked(CacheEntry entry)
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Inspects the entry for signs that it is possibly locked, and hence would need to be unlocked. Note that this is not deterministic, and is pessimistic in that even if an entry is not locked but *might* be locked, this will return true.

As such, this should only be used to determine whether *unlocking* is necessary, not whether locking is necessary. Unlocking an entry that has not been locked has no effect, so this is just an optimisation.

Specified by:
possiblyLocked in interface LockManager
entry - entry to inspect
true if the entry *might* be locked, false if the entry definitely is *not* locked.


public void releaseLocks(InvocationContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Cleanups the locks within the given context.

Specified by:
releaseLocks in interface LockManager


public int getConcurrencyLevel()


public int getNumberOfLocksHeld()
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Retrieves the number of locks currently held.

Specified by:
getNumberOfLocksHeld in interface LockManager
an integer


public int getNumberOfLocksAvailable()


public int getLockId(Object key)
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Returns the 'id' of the lock that will be used to guard access to a given key in the cache. Particularly useful if Lock Striping is used and locks may guard more than one key. This mechanism can be used to check whether keys may end up sharing the same lock.

If lock-striping is not used, the identity hash code of the lock created for this specific key is returned. While this may not be of much value, it is done to maintain API compatibility of this method regardless of underlying locking scheme.

Specified by:
getLockId in interface LockManager
key - key to test for
the ID of the lock.


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