Interface DeltaAware

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DeltaAware

This interface allows the extraction of Deltas.
Implementations would be closely coupled to a corresponding Delta implementation, since Delta.merge(DeltaAware) would need to know how to recreate this instance of DeltaAware if needed.
Implementations of DeltaAware automatically gain the ability to perform fine-grained replication in Infinispan, since Infinispan's data container is able to detect these types and only serialize and transport Deltas around the network rather than the entire, serialized object.
Using DeltaAware makes sense if your custom object is large in size and often only sees small portions of the object being updated in a transaction. Implementations would need to be able to track these changes during the course of a transaction though, to be able to produce a Delta instance, so this too is a consideration for implementations.

Manik Surtani
See Also:

Method Summary
 void commit()
          Indicate that all deltas collected to date has been extracted (via a call to delta()) and can be discarded.
 Delta delta()
          Extracts changes made to implementations, in an efficient format that can easily and cheaply be serialized and deserialized.

Method Detail


Delta delta()
Extracts changes made to implementations, in an efficient format that can easily and cheaply be serialized and deserialized. This method will only be called once for each changeset as it is assumed that any implementation's internal changelog is wiped and reset after generating and submitting the delta to the caller.

an instance of Delta


void commit()
Indicate that all deltas collected to date has been extracted (via a call to delta()) and can be discarded. Often used as an optimization if the delta isn't really needed, but the cleaning and resetting of internal state is desirable.


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