Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReplicableCommand
org.infinispan.commands Commands that operate on the cache, either locally or remotely. 
org.infinispan.commands.control Commands that control and coordinate certain cache operations, such as rehashing, state transfer and locking. 
org.infinispan.commands.module Commands that read data from the cache. 
org.infinispan.commands.remote Meta-commands that wrap other commands for remote execution. 
org.infinispan.commands.tx Commands that represent transactional lifecycle transitions. 
org.infinispan.commands.write Commands that alter the state of the cache. 
org.infinispan.marshall.exts Externalizers for various JDK types that are marshalled using the marshalling framework. 
org.infinispan.remoting Remote communication between cache instances. 
org.infinispan.remoting.rpc Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interfaces and components used to invoke remote methods on cache instances. 
org.infinispan.remoting.transport Transports handle the low-level networking, used by the remoting components. 
org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups A transport implementation based on JGroups
org.infinispan.util General utilities that are not specific to Infinispan, including string parsing helpers, reflection tools and collections and containers designed to supplement the JDK-provided containers. 

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands

Subinterfaces of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands
 interface DataCommand
          Commands of this type manipulate data in the cache.
 interface VisitableCommand
          A type of command that can accept Visitors, such as CommandInterceptors.

Classes in org.infinispan.commands that implement ReplicableCommand
 class RemoveCacheCommand
          Command to stop a cache and remove all its contents from both memory and any backing store.

Methods in org.infinispan.commands that return ReplicableCommand
 ReplicableCommand RemoteCommandsFactory.fromStream(byte id, Object[] parameters, byte type)
          Creates an un-initialized command.

Methods in org.infinispan.commands with parameters of type ReplicableCommand
 SingleRpcCommand CommandsFactoryImpl.buildSingleRpcCommand(ReplicableCommand call)
 SingleRpcCommand CommandsFactory.buildSingleRpcCommand(ReplicableCommand call)
          Builds a SingleRpcCommand "envelope" containing a single ReplicableCommand
 void CommandsFactoryImpl.initializeReplicableCommand(ReplicableCommand c, boolean isRemote)
 void CommandsFactory.initializeReplicableCommand(ReplicableCommand command, boolean isRemote)
          Initializes a ReplicableCommand read from a data stream with components specific to the target cache instance.

Method parameters in org.infinispan.commands with type arguments of type ReplicableCommand
 MultipleRpcCommand CommandsFactoryImpl.buildReplicateCommand(List<ReplicableCommand> toReplicate)
 MultipleRpcCommand CommandsFactory.buildReplicateCommand(List<ReplicableCommand> toReplicate)
          Builds an RpcCommand "envelope" containing multiple ReplicableCommands

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands.control

Classes in org.infinispan.commands.control that implement ReplicableCommand
 class LockControlCommand
          LockControlCommand is a command that enables distributed locking across infinispan nodes.
 class RehashControlCommand
          A control command to coordinate rehashes that may occur when nodes join or leave a cluster, when DIST is used as a cache mode.
 class StateTransferControlCommand
          A command that informs caches participating in a state transfer of the various stages in the state transfer process.

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands.module

Methods in org.infinispan.commands.module that return ReplicableCommand
 ReplicableCommand ModuleCommandFactory.fromStream(byte commandId, Object[] args)
          Construct and initialize a ReplicableCommand based on the command id and argument array passed in.

Methods in org.infinispan.commands.module that return types with arguments of type ReplicableCommand
 Map<Byte,Class<? extends ReplicableCommand>> ModuleCommandFactory.getModuleCommands()
          Provides a map of command IDs to command types of all the commands handled by the command factory instance.

Methods in org.infinispan.commands.module with parameters of type ReplicableCommand
 void ModuleCommandInitializer.initializeReplicableCommand(ReplicableCommand c, boolean isRemote)
          Initializes a command constructed using ModuleCommandFactory.fromStream(byte, Object[]) with necessary named-cache-specific components.

Uses of ReplicableCommand in

Classes in that implement ReplicableCommand
 class AbstractDataCommand
 class DistributedExecuteCommand<V>
          DistributedExecuteCommand is used to migrate Callable and execute it in remote JVM.
 class EntrySetCommand
          Command implementation for Map.entrySet() functionality.
 class GetKeyValueCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Map.get(Object) and Map.containsKey(Object) operations
 class KeySetCommand
          Command implementation for Map.keySet() functionality.
 class MapReduceCommand
          MapReduceCommand is used to migrate Mapper and Reducer to remote JVM where they will get invoked.
 class SizeCommand
          Command to calculate the size of the cache
 class ValuesCommand
          Command implementation for Map.values() functionality.

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands.remote

Subinterfaces of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands.remote
 interface CacheRpcCommand
          The RpcManager only replicates commands wrapped in a CacheRpcCommand.

Classes in org.infinispan.commands.remote that implement ReplicableCommand
 class BaseRpcCommand
 class BaseRpcInvokingCommand
          Base class for RPC commands.
 class ClusteredGetCommand
          Issues a remote get call.
 class MultipleRpcCommand
          Command that implements cluster replication logic.
 class SingleRpcCommand
          Similar to MultipleRpcCommand, but it only aggregates a single command for replication.

Methods in org.infinispan.commands.remote that return ReplicableCommand
 ReplicableCommand SingleRpcCommand.getCommand()
 ReplicableCommand[] MultipleRpcCommand.getCommands()

Methods in org.infinispan.commands.remote with parameters of type ReplicableCommand
protected  Object BaseRpcInvokingCommand.processVisitableCommand(ReplicableCommand cacheCommand)

Constructors in org.infinispan.commands.remote with parameters of type ReplicableCommand
SingleRpcCommand(String cacheName, ReplicableCommand command)

Constructor parameters in org.infinispan.commands.remote with type arguments of type ReplicableCommand
MultipleRpcCommand(List<ReplicableCommand> modifications, String cacheName)

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands.remote.recovery

Classes in org.infinispan.commands.remote.recovery that implement ReplicableCommand
 class CompleteTransactionCommand
          Command used by the recovery tooling for forcing transaction completion .
 class GetInDoubtTransactionsCommand
          Rpc to obtain all in-doubt prepared transactions stored on remote nodes.
 class GetInDoubtTxInfoCommand
          Command used by the recovery tooling for obtaining the list of in-doubt transactions from a node.
 class RecoveryCommand
          Base class for recovery-related rpc-commands.
 class RemoveRecoveryInfoCommand
          Command for removing recovery related information from the cluster.

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands.tx

Subinterfaces of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands.tx
 interface TransactionBoundaryCommand
          An transaction boundary command that allows the retrieval of an attached GlobalTransaction

Classes in org.infinispan.commands.tx that implement ReplicableCommand
 class AbstractTransactionBoundaryCommand
          An abstract transaction boundary command that holds a reference to a GlobalTransaction
 class CommitCommand
          Command corresponding to the 2nd phase of 2PC.
 class PrepareCommand
          Command corresponding to the 1st phase of 2PC.
 class RollbackCommand
          Command corresponding to a transaction rollback.

Method parameters in org.infinispan.commands.tx with type arguments of type ReplicableCommand
 boolean PrepareCommand.containsModificationType(Class<? extends ReplicableCommand> replicableCommandClass)

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands.write

Subinterfaces of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.commands.write
 interface DataWriteCommand
          Mixes features from DataCommand and WriteCommand
 interface WriteCommand
          A command that modifies the cache in some way

Classes in org.infinispan.commands.write that implement ReplicableCommand
 class AbstractDataWriteCommand
          Stuff common to WriteCommands
 class ClearCommand
 class EvictCommand
 class InvalidateCommand
          Removes an entry from memory - never removes the entry.
 class InvalidateL1Command
          Invalidates an entry in a L1 cache (used with DIST mode)
 class PutKeyValueCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Map.put(Object, Object)
 class PutMapCommand
 class RemoveCommand
 class ReplaceCommand

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.marshall.exts

Methods in org.infinispan.marshall.exts that return ReplicableCommand
 ReplicableCommand ReplicableCommandExternalizer.readObject(ObjectInput input)

Methods in org.infinispan.marshall.exts that return types with arguments of type ReplicableCommand
 Set<Class<? extends ReplicableCommand>> ReplicableCommandExternalizer.getTypeClasses()

Methods in org.infinispan.marshall.exts with parameters of type ReplicableCommand
 void ReplicableCommandExternalizer.writeObject(ObjectOutput output, ReplicableCommand command)

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.remoting

Methods in org.infinispan.remoting that return types with arguments of type ReplicableCommand
protected  List<ReplicableCommand> ReplicationQueueImpl.drainReplQueue()

Methods in org.infinispan.remoting with parameters of type ReplicableCommand
 void ReplicationQueueImpl.add(ReplicableCommand job)
 void ReplicationQueue.add(ReplicableCommand job)
          Adds a new command to the replication queue.

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.remoting.rpc

Methods in org.infinispan.remoting.rpc with parameters of type ReplicableCommand
 void RpcManagerImpl.broadcastRpcCommand(ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean sync)
 void RpcManager.broadcastRpcCommand(ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean sync)
          Broadcasts an RPC command to the entire cluster.
 void RpcManagerImpl.broadcastRpcCommand(ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean sync, boolean usePriorityQueue)
 void RpcManager.broadcastRpcCommand(ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean sync, boolean usePriorityQueue)
          Broadcasts an RPC command to the entire cluster.
 void RpcManagerImpl.broadcastRpcCommandInFuture(ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean usePriorityQueue, NotifyingNotifiableFuture<Object> l)
 void RpcManager.broadcastRpcCommandInFuture(ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean usePriorityQueue, NotifyingNotifiableFuture<Object> future)
          The same as RpcManager.broadcastRpcCommand(org.infinispan.commands.ReplicableCommand, boolean, boolean) except that the task is passed to the transport executor and a Future is returned.
 void RpcManagerImpl.broadcastRpcCommandInFuture(ReplicableCommand rpc, NotifyingNotifiableFuture<Object> l)
 void RpcManager.broadcastRpcCommandInFuture(ReplicableCommand rpc, NotifyingNotifiableFuture<Object> future)
          The same as RpcManager.broadcastRpcCommand(org.infinispan.commands.ReplicableCommand, boolean) except that the task is passed to the transport executor and a Future is returned.
 void RpcManagerImpl.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean sync)
 void RpcManager.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean sync)
          Broadcasts an RPC command to a specified set of recipients
 Map<Address,Response> RpcManagerImpl.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean sync, boolean usePriorityQueue)
 Map<Address,Response> RpcManager.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean sync, boolean usePriorityQueue)
          Broadcasts an RPC command to a specified set of recipients
 Map<Address,Response> RpcManagerImpl.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean sync, boolean usePriorityQueue, long timeout)
 Map<Address,Response> RpcManagerImpl.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpcCommand, ResponseMode mode, long timeout)
 Map<Address,Response> RpcManager.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpcCommand, ResponseMode mode, long timeout)
          Invokes an RPC call on other caches in the cluster.
 Map<Address,Response> RpcManagerImpl.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpcCommand, ResponseMode mode, long timeout, boolean usePriorityQueue)
 Map<Address,Response> RpcManager.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpcCommand, ResponseMode mode, long timeout, boolean usePriorityQueue)
          Invokes an RPC call on other caches in the cluster.
 Map<Address,Response> RpcManagerImpl.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpcCommand, ResponseMode mode, long timeout, boolean usePriorityQueue, ResponseFilter responseFilter)
 Map<Address,Response> RpcManager.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpcCommand, ResponseMode mode, long timeout, boolean usePriorityQueue, ResponseFilter responseFilter)
          Invokes an RPC call on other caches in the cluster.
 void RpcManagerImpl.invokeRemotelyInFuture(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean usePriorityQueue, NotifyingNotifiableFuture<Object> l)
 void RpcManager.invokeRemotelyInFuture(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean usePriorityQueue, NotifyingNotifiableFuture<Object> future)
          The same as RpcManager.invokeRemotely(java.util.Collection, org.infinispan.commands.ReplicableCommand, boolean) except that the task is passed to the transport executor and a Future is returned.
 void RpcManagerImpl.invokeRemotelyInFuture(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean usePriorityQueue, NotifyingNotifiableFuture<Object> l, long timeout)
 void RpcManager.invokeRemotelyInFuture(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, boolean usePriorityQueue, NotifyingNotifiableFuture<Object> future, long timeout)
          The same as RpcManager.invokeRemotelyInFuture(java.util.Collection, org.infinispan.commands.ReplicableCommand, boolean, org.infinispan.util.concurrent.NotifyingNotifiableFuture) except that you can specify a timeout.
 void RpcManagerImpl.invokeRemotelyInFuture(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, NotifyingNotifiableFuture<Object> l)
 void RpcManager.invokeRemotelyInFuture(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpc, NotifyingNotifiableFuture<Object> future)
          The same as RpcManager.invokeRemotely(java.util.Collection, org.infinispan.commands.ReplicableCommand, boolean) except that the task is passed to the transport executor and a Future is returned.

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.remoting.transport

Methods in org.infinispan.remoting.transport with parameters of type ReplicableCommand
 Map<Address,Response> Transport.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpcCommand, ResponseMode mode, long timeout, boolean usePriorityQueue, ResponseFilter responseFilter, boolean supportReplay)
          Invokes an RPC call on other caches in the cluster.

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups

Methods in org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups with parameters of type ReplicableCommand
 org.jgroups.util.RspList CommandAwareRpcDispatcher.invokeRemoteCommands(Vector<org.jgroups.Address> dests, ReplicableCommand command, int mode, long timeout, boolean anycasting, boolean oob, org.jgroups.blocks.RspFilter filter, boolean supportReplay, boolean asyncMarshalling, boolean broadcast)
 Map<Address,Response> JGroupsTransport.invokeRemotely(Collection<Address> recipients, ReplicableCommand rpcCommand, ResponseMode mode, long timeout, boolean usePriorityQueue, ResponseFilter responseFilter, boolean supportReplay)

Uses of ReplicableCommand in org.infinispan.util

Methods in org.infinispan.util that return types with arguments of type ReplicableCommand
static Collection<Class<? extends ReplicableCommand>> ModuleProperties.moduleCommands(ClassLoader cl)


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