Enum Flag

  extended by java.lang.Enum<Flag>
      extended by org.infinispan.context.Flag
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<Flag>

public enum Flag
extends Enum<Flag>

Available flags, which may be set on a per-invocation basis. These are provided using the AdvancedCache interface, using some of the overloaded methods that allow passing in of a variable number of Flags.

Manik Surtani, Galder ZamarreƱo

Enum Constant Summary
          Forces LOCAL mode operation, even if the cache is configured to use a clustered mode like replication, invalidation or distribution.
          Swallows any exceptions, logging them instead at a low log level.
          Forces asynchronous network calls where possible, even if otherwise configured to use synchronous network calls.
          Forces synchronous network calls where possible, even if otherwise configured to use asynchronous network calls.
          Forces a write lock, even if the invocation is a read operation.
          Flags the invocation as a Cache.putForExternalRead(Object, Object) call, as opposed to a regular Map.put(Object, Object).
          This flag has only effect when it's used before calling Lifecycle.stop() and its effect is that apart from stopping the cache, it removes all of its content from both memory and any backing cache store.
          Skips loading an entry from any configured CacheStores.
          Skips checking whether a cache is in a receptive state, i.e.
          Skips storing an entry to any configured CacheStores.
          Used by the Query module only, it will prevent the indexes to be updated as a result of the current operations.
          Bypasses lock acquisition for this invocation altogether.
          Used by the DistLockingInterceptor to commit the change no matter what (if the flag is set).
          When used with distributed cache mode, will prevent retrieving a remote value either when executing a get() or exists(), or to provide an overwritten return value for a put() or remove().
          If this flag is enabled, if a cache store is shared, then storage to the store is skipped.
          Overrides the Configuration.setLockAcquisitionTimeout(long) configuration setting by ensuring lock managers use a 0-millisecond lock acquisition timeout.
Method Summary
protected static Set<Flag> copyWithouthRemotableFlags(Set<Flag> flags)
          Creates a copy of a Flag Set removing instances of FAIL_SILENTLY.
static Flag valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static Flag[] values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum
clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Enum Constant Detail


public static final Flag ZERO_LOCK_ACQUISITION_TIMEOUT
Overrides the Configuration.setLockAcquisitionTimeout(long) configuration setting by ensuring lock managers use a 0-millisecond lock acquisition timeout. Useful if you only want to acquire a lock on an entry if and only if the lock is uncontended.


public static final Flag CACHE_MODE_LOCAL
Forces LOCAL mode operation, even if the cache is configured to use a clustered mode like replication, invalidation or distribution. Applying this flag will suppress any RPC messages otherwise associated with this invocation.


public static final Flag SKIP_LOCKING
Bypasses lock acquisition for this invocation altogether. A potentially dangerous flag, as it can lead to inconsistent data.


public static final Flag FORCE_WRITE_LOCK
Forces a write lock, even if the invocation is a read operation. Useful when reading an entry to later update it within the same transaction, and is analogous in behavior and use case to a select ... for update ... SQL statement.


public static final Flag SKIP_CACHE_STATUS_CHECK
Skips checking whether a cache is in a receptive state, i.e. is ComponentStatus.RUNNING. May break operation in weird ways!


public static final Flag FORCE_ASYNCHRONOUS
Forces asynchronous network calls where possible, even if otherwise configured to use synchronous network calls. Only applicable to non-local, clustered caches.


public static final Flag FORCE_SYNCHRONOUS
Forces synchronous network calls where possible, even if otherwise configured to use asynchronous network calls. Only applicable to non-local, clustered caches.


public static final Flag SKIP_CACHE_STORE
Skips storing an entry to any configured CacheStores.


public static final Flag SKIP_CACHE_LOAD
Skips loading an entry from any configured CacheStores. Useful for example to perform a put() operation while not interested in the return value of put() which would return the eventually existing previous value.
Note that if you want to ignore the return value of put() and you are in distributed mode you should also use the SKIP_REMOTE_LOOKUP flag.


public static final Flag FAIL_SILENTLY

Swallows any exceptions, logging them instead at a low log level. Will prevent a failing operation from affecting any ongoing JTA transactions as well.

This Flag will not be replicated to remote nodes, but it will still protect the invoker from remote exceptions.


public static final Flag SKIP_REMOTE_LOOKUP
When used with distributed cache mode, will prevent retrieving a remote value either when executing a get() or exists(), or to provide an overwritten return value for a put() or remove(). This would render return values for some operations (such as Map.put(Object, Object) or Map.remove(Object) unusable, in exchange for the performance gains of reducing remote calls.
Note that if you want to ignore the return value of put() and you have configured a cache store you should also use the SKIP_CACHE_LOAD flag.


public static final Flag SKIP_INDEXING
Used by the Query module only, it will prevent the indexes to be updated as a result of the current operations.


public static final Flag PUT_FOR_EXTERNAL_READ
Flags the invocation as a Cache.putForExternalRead(Object, Object) call, as opposed to a regular Map.put(Object, Object).


public static final Flag SKIP_SHARED_CACHE_STORE
If this flag is enabled, if a cache store is shared, then storage to the store is skipped.


public static final Flag REMOVE_DATA_ON_STOP
This flag has only effect when it's used before calling Lifecycle.stop() and its effect is that apart from stopping the cache, it removes all of its content from both memory and any backing cache store.


public static final Flag SKIP_OWNERSHIP_CHECK
Used by the DistLockingInterceptor to commit the change no matter what (if the flag is set). This is used when a node A pushes state to another node B and A doesn't want B to check if the state really belongs to it

Method Detail


public static Flag[] values()
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
for (Flag c : Flag.values())

an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared


public static Flag valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
the enum constant with the specified name
IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
NullPointerException - if the argument is null


protected static Set<Flag> copyWithouthRemotableFlags(Set<Flag> flags)
Creates a copy of a Flag Set removing instances of FAIL_SILENTLY. The copy might be the same instance if no change is required, and should be considered immutable.

flags -
might return the same instance


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