Uses of Class

Packages that use BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction
org.infinispan.util.concurrent Thread-safe containers and other concurrency-related utilities, designed to supplement JDK concurrency utilities and containers. 

Uses of BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction in org.infinispan.util.concurrent

Methods in org.infinispan.util.concurrent that return BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction
 BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction BoundedConcurrentHashMap.EvictionPolicy.strategy()
          Returns type of eviction algorithm (strategy).
static BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction[] BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Constructors in org.infinispan.util.concurrent with parameters of type BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction
BoundedConcurrentHashMap(int capacity, int concurrencyLevel, BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction evictionStrategy)
          Creates a new, empty map with the specified maximum capacity, load factor, concurrency level and eviction strategy.
BoundedConcurrentHashMap(int capacity, int concurrencyLevel, BoundedConcurrentHashMap.Eviction evictionStrategy, BoundedConcurrentHashMap.EvictionListener<K,V> evictionListener)
          Creates a new, empty map with the specified maximum capacity, load factor and concurrency level.


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