Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractFlagAffectedCommand Commands that read data from the cache. 
org.infinispan.commands.write Commands that alter the state of the cache. 

Uses of AbstractFlagAffectedCommand in

Subclasses of AbstractFlagAffectedCommand in
 class AbstractDataCommand
 class GetKeyValueCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Map.get(Object) and Map.containsKey(Object) operations

Uses of AbstractFlagAffectedCommand in org.infinispan.commands.write

Subclasses of AbstractFlagAffectedCommand in org.infinispan.commands.write
 class AbstractDataWriteCommand
          Stuff common to WriteCommands
 class ApplyDeltaCommand
 class ClearCommand
 class EvictCommand
 class InvalidateCommand
          Removes an entry from memory.
 class InvalidateL1Command
          Invalidates an entry in a L1 cache (used with DIST mode)
 class PutKeyValueCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Map.put(Object, Object)
 class PutMapCommand
 class RemoveCommand
 class ReplaceCommand
 class VersionedPutKeyValueCommand
          A form of PutKeyValueCommand that also applies a version to the entry created.


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