Class SingletonStore

  extended by org.infinispan.loaders.decorators.AbstractDelegatingStore
      extended by org.infinispan.loaders.decorators.SingletonStore
All Implemented Interfaces:
CacheLoader, CacheStore

public class SingletonStore
extends AbstractDelegatingStore

SingletonStore is a delegating cache store used for situations when only one instance should interact with the underlying store. The coordinator of the cluster will be responsible for the underlying CacheStore.

SingletonStore is a simply facade to a real CacheStore implementation. It always delegates reads to the real CacheStore.

Writes are delegated only if this SingletonStore is currently the coordinator. This avoids having all stores in a cluster writing the same data to the same underlying store. Although not incorrect (e.g. a DB will just discard additional INSERTs for the same key, and throw an exception), this will avoid a lot of redundant work.

Whenever the current coordinator dies (or leaves), the second in line will take over. That SingletonStore will then pass writes through to its underlying CacheStore. Optionally, when a new coordinator takes over the Singleton, it can push the in-memory state to the cache cacheStore, within a time constraint.

Bela Ban, Galder Zamarreno, Manik Surtani

Nested Class Summary
static class SingletonStore.PushStateException
          Exception representing any issues that arise from pushing the in-memory state to the cache loader.
 class SingletonStore.SingletonStoreListener
          Cache listener that reacts to cluster topology changes to find out whether a new coordinator is elected.
Constructor Summary
SingletonStore(CacheStore delegate, Cache<Object,Object> cache, SingletonStoreConfig config)
Method Summary
protected  void activeStatusChanged(boolean newActiveState)
          Method called when the cache either becomes the coordinator or stops being the coordinator.
protected  void awaitForPushToFinish(Future<?> future, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
          Method that waits for the in-memory to cache loader state to finish.
 void clear()
          Clears all entries in the store
 void commit(GlobalTransaction tx)
          Commits a transaction that has been previously prepared.
protected  Callable<?> createPushStateTask()
          Factory method for the creation of a Callable task in charge of pushing in-memory state to cache loader.
 void fromStream(ObjectInput inputStream)
          Writes contents of the stream to the store.
 void prepare(List<? extends Modification> list, GlobalTransaction tx, boolean isOnePhase)
          Issues a prepare call with a set of modifications to be applied to the cache store
 void purgeExpired()
          Purges expired entries from the store.
protected  void pushState(Cache<Object,Object> cache)
          Pushes the state of a specific cache by reading the cache's data and putting in the cache store.
 boolean remove(Object key)
          Removes an entry in the store.
 void rollback(GlobalTransaction tx)
          Rolls back a transaction that has been previously prepared

This method may be invoked on a transaction for which there is no prior CacheStore.prepare(java.util.List, org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction, boolean).

 void start()
 void stop()
 void store(InternalCacheEntry ed)
          Stores an entry
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.infinispan.loaders.decorators.AbstractDelegatingStore
containsKey, getCacheStoreConfig, getConfigurationClass, getDelegate, init, load, load, loadAll, loadAllKeys, removeAll, setDelegate, toStream
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SingletonStore(CacheStore delegate,
                      Cache<Object,Object> cache,
                      SingletonStoreConfig config)
Method Detail


public void store(InternalCacheEntry ed)
           throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Stores an entry

Specified by:
store in interface CacheStore
store in class AbstractDelegatingStore
ed - entry to store
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void fromStream(ObjectInput inputStream)
                throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Writes contents of the stream to the store. Implementations should expect that the stream contains data in an implementation-specific format, typically generated using CacheStore.toStream( While not a requirement, it is recommended that implementations make use of the StreamingMarshaller when dealing with the stream to make use of efficient marshalling.

It is imperative that implementations do not close the stream after finishing with it.

It is also recommended that implementations use their own start and end markers on the stream since other processes may write additional data to the stream after the cache store has written to it. As such, either markers or some other mechanism to prevent the store from reading too much information should be employed when writing to the stream in CacheStore.fromStream( to prevent data corruption.

It can be assumed that the stream passed in already performs buffering such that the cache store implementation doesn't have to.

Specified by:
fromStream in interface CacheStore
fromStream in class AbstractDelegatingStore
inputStream - stream to read from
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void clear()
           throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Clears all entries in the store

Specified by:
clear in interface CacheStore
clear in class AbstractDelegatingStore
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public boolean remove(Object key)
               throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Removes an entry in the store.

Specified by:
remove in interface CacheStore
remove in class AbstractDelegatingStore
key - key to remove
true if the entry was removed; false if the entry wasn't found.
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void purgeExpired()
                  throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Purges expired entries from the store.

Specified by:
purgeExpired in interface CacheStore
purgeExpired in class AbstractDelegatingStore
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void commit(GlobalTransaction tx)
            throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Commits a transaction that has been previously prepared.

This method may be invoked on a transaction for which there is no prior CacheStore.prepare(java.util.List, org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction, boolean). The implementation would need to deal with this case accordingly. Typically, this would be a no-op, after ensuring any resources attached to the transaction are cleared up.

Also note that this method may be invoked on a thread which is different from the CacheStore.prepare(java.util.List, org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction, boolean) invocation. As such, ThreadLocals should not be relied upon to maintain transaction context.

Specified by:
commit in interface CacheStore
commit in class AbstractDelegatingStore
tx - tx to commit
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void rollback(GlobalTransaction tx)
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Rolls back a transaction that has been previously prepared

This method may be invoked on a transaction for which there is no prior CacheStore.prepare(java.util.List, org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction, boolean). The implementation would need to deal with this case accordingly. Typically, this would be a no-op, after ensuring any resources attached to the transaction are cleared up.

Also note that this method may be invoked on a thread which is different from the CacheStore.prepare(java.util.List, org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction, boolean) invocation. As such, ThreadLocals should not be relied upon to maintain transaction context.

Specified by:
rollback in interface CacheStore
rollback in class AbstractDelegatingStore
tx - tx to roll back


public void prepare(List<? extends Modification> list,
                    GlobalTransaction tx,
                    boolean isOnePhase)
             throws CacheLoaderException
Description copied from interface: CacheStore
Issues a prepare call with a set of modifications to be applied to the cache store

Specified by:
prepare in interface CacheStore
prepare in class AbstractDelegatingStore
list - modifications to be applied
tx - transaction identifier
isOnePhase - if true, there will not be a commit or rollback phase and changes should be flushed immediately
CacheLoaderException - in the event of problems writing to the store


public void start()
           throws CacheLoaderException
Specified by:
start in interface CacheLoader
start in class AbstractDelegatingStore


public void stop()
          throws CacheLoaderException
Specified by:
stop in interface CacheLoader
stop in class AbstractDelegatingStore


protected Callable<?> createPushStateTask()
Factory method for the creation of a Callable task in charge of pushing in-memory state to cache loader.

new instance of Callable whose call() method either throws an exception or returns null if the task was successfull.


protected void pushState(Cache<Object,Object> cache)
                  throws Exception
Pushes the state of a specific cache by reading the cache's data and putting in the cache store. This method is called recursively so that it iterates through the whole cache.

Exception - if there's any issues reading the data from the cache or pushing data to the cache store.


protected void awaitForPushToFinish(Future<?> future,
                                    long timeout,
                                    TimeUnit unit)
Method that waits for the in-memory to cache loader state to finish. This method's called in case a push state is already in progress and we need to wait for it to finish.

future - instance of Future representing the on going push task
timeout - time to wait for the push task to finish
unit - instance of TimeUnit representing the unit of timeout


protected void activeStatusChanged(boolean newActiveState)
                            throws SingletonStore.PushStateException
Method called when the cache either becomes the coordinator or stops being the coordinator. If it becomes the coordinator, it can optionally start the in-memory state transfer to the underlying cache store.

newActiveState - true if the cache just became the coordinator, false if the cache stopped being the coordinator.


public String toString()
toString in class Object


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