@Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Target(value=TYPE) public @interface Listener
and related APIs. Note that even if a class is annotated with this
annotation, it still needs method-level annotation (such as CacheStarted
to actually receive notifications. Objects annotated with this annotation - listeners - can be attached to a
running Cache
so users can be notified of Cache
events. There can
be multiple methods that are annotated to receive the same event, and a method may receive multiple events by using a
super type. TransactionalEvent.getGlobalTransaction()
can be used, along with TransactionCompletedEvent.isTransactionSuccessful()
to record events and later process them once the transaction has been successfully committed. Example 4 demonstrates
this. GlobalConfiguration.setAsyncListenerExecutorProperties(java.util.Properties)
and GlobalConfiguration.setAsyncListenerExecutorFactoryClass(String)
Summary of Notification Annotations Annotation | Event | Description |
CacheStarted | CacheStartedEvent | A cache was started |
CacheStopped |
CacheStoppedEvent | A cache was stopped |
CacheEntryModified |
CacheEntryModifiedEvent | A cache entry was modified |
CacheEntryCreated | CacheEntryCreatedEvent | A cache entry was created |
CacheEntryRemoved |
CacheEntryRemovedEvent | A cache entry was removed |
CacheEntryVisited |
CacheEntryVisitedEvent | A cache entry was visited |
CacheEntryLoaded |
CacheEntryLoadedEvent | A cache entry was loaded |
CacheEntriesEvicted |
CacheEntriesEvictedEvent | A cache entries were evicted |
CacheEntryActivated |
CacheEntryActivatedEvent | A cache entry was activated |
CacheEntryPassivated | CacheEntryPassivatedEvent | One or more cache entries were passivated |
ViewChanged |
ViewChangedEvent | A view change event was detected |
TransactionRegistered | TransactionRegisteredEvent | The cache has started to participate in a transaction |
TransactionCompleted |
TransactionCompletedEvent | The cache has completed its participation in a transaction |
CacheEntryInvalidated | CacheEntryInvalidatedEvent | A cache entry was invalidated by a remote cache. Only if cache mode is INVALIDATION_SYNC or INVALIDATION_ASYNC. |
@Listener public class SingleEventListener { @CacheStarted public void doSomething(Event event) { System.out.println("Cache started. Details = " + event); } }
@Listener public class MultipleEventListener { @CacheStarted @CacheStopped public void doSomething(Event event) { if (event.getType() == Event.Type.CACHE_STARTED) System.out.println("Cache started. Details = " + event); else if (event.getType() == Event.Type.CACHE_STOPPED) System.out.println("Cache stopped. Details = " + event); } }
@Listener public class SingleEventListener { @CacheStarted public void handleStart(Event event) { System.out.println("Cache started"); } @CacheStarted @CacheStopped @CacheBlocked @CacheUnblocked @ViewChanged public void logEvent(Event event) { logSystem.logEvent(event.getType()); } }Example 4 - Processing only events with a committed transaction.
@Listener public class EventHandler { private ConcurrentMap<GlobalTransaction, Queue<Event>> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<GlobalTransaction, Queue<Event>>(); @TransactionRegistered public void startTransaction(TransactionRegisteredEvent event) { map.put(event.getGlobalTransaction(), new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Event>()); } @CacheEntryCreated @CacheEntryModified @CacheEntryRemoved public void addEvent(TransactionalEvent event) { map.get(event.getGlobalTransaction()).add(event); } @TransactionCompleted public void endTransaction(TransactionCompletedEvent event) { Queue<Event> events = map.get(event.getGlobalTransaction()); map.remove(event.getGlobalTransaction()); System.out.println("Ended transaction " + event.getGlobalTransaction().getId()); if(event.isTransactionSuccessful()) { for(Event e : events) { System.out.println("Event " + e); } } } }
Modifier and Type | Optional Element and Description |
boolean |
Specifies whether callbacks on any class annotated with this annotation happens synchronously (in the caller's
thread) or asynchronously (using a separate thread).
public abstract boolean sync
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