Uses of Interface

Packages that use CacheEntryEvent

Uses of CacheEntryEvent in org.infinispan.demo.nearcache.server

Methods in org.infinispan.demo.nearcache.server with parameters of type CacheEntryEvent
 void MessagingHotRodDemo.InvalidationProducer.invalidateRemovedEntry(CacheEntryEvent<byte[],byte[]> e)

Uses of CacheEntryEvent in org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event

Subinterfaces of CacheEntryEvent in org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event
 interface CacheEntryActivatedEvent<K,V>
          This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryActivated.
 interface CacheEntryCreatedEvent<K,V>
          This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryCreated.
 interface CacheEntryEvictedEvent<K,V>
          Deprecated. Note that this interface will be removed in Infinispan 6.0
 interface CacheEntryInvalidatedEvent<K,V>
          Notifies a listener of an invalidation event.
 interface CacheEntryLoadedEvent<K,V>
          This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryLoaded.
 interface CacheEntryModifiedEvent<K,V>
          This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryModified

The CacheEntryModifiedEvent.getValue() method's behavior is specific to whether the callback is triggered before or after the event in question.

 interface CacheEntryPassivatedEvent<K,V>
          This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryPassivated.
 interface CacheEntryRemovedEvent<K,V>
          This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryRemoved.
 interface CacheEntryVisitedEvent<K,V>
          This event subtype is passed in to any method annotated with CacheEntryVisited.

Classes in org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event that implement CacheEntryEvent
 class EventImpl<K,V>
          Basic implementation of an event that covers all event types.


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