Package org.infinispan.util.concurrent.jdk8backported

Interface Summary
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.Action<A> Interface describing a void action of one argument
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.BiAction<A,B> Interface describing a void action of two arguments
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.BiFun<A,B,T> Interface describing a function of two arguments
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.DoubleByDoubleToDouble Interface describing a function mapping two doubles to a double
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.DoubleToDouble Interface describing a function mapping a double to a double
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.Fun<A,T> Interface describing a function of one argument
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.Generator<T> Interface describing a function of no arguments
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.IntByIntToInt Interface describing a function mapping two ints to an int
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.IntToInt Interface describing a function mapping an int to an int
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.LongByLongToLong Interface describing a function mapping two longs to a long
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.LongToLong Interface describing a function mapping a long to a long
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.ObjectByObjectToDouble<A,B> Interface describing a function mapping two arguments to a double
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.ObjectByObjectToInt<A,B> Interface describing a function mapping two arguments to an int
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.ObjectByObjectToLong<A,B> Interface describing a function mapping two arguments to a long
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.ObjectToDouble<A> Interface describing a function mapping its argument to a double
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.ObjectToInt<A> Interface describing a function mapping its argument to an int
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.ObjectToLong<A> Interface describing a function mapping its argument to a long
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.Spliterator<T> A partitionable iterator.
ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory Factory for creating new ForkJoinWorkerThreads.
ForkJoinPool.ManagedBlocker Interface for extending managed parallelism for tasks running in ForkJoinPools.

Class Summary
CountedCompleter<T> A ForkJoinTask with a completion action performed when triggered and there are no remaining pending actions.
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8<K,V> A hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals and high expected concurrency for updates.
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.EntrySetView<K,V> A view of a ConcurrentHashMapV8 as a Set of (key, value) entries.
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.ForkJoinTasks Predefined tasks for performing bulk parallel operations on ConcurrentHashMapV8s.
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.KeySetView<K,V> A view of a ConcurrentHashMapV8 as a Set of keys, in which additions may optionally be enabled by mapping to a common value.
EquivalentConcurrentHashMapV8.ValuesView<K,V> A view of a ConcurrentHashMapV8 as a Collection of values, in which additions are disabled.
ForkJoinPool An ExecutorService for running ForkJoinTasks.
ForkJoinTask<V> Abstract base class for tasks that run within a ForkJoinPool.
ForkJoinWorkerThread A thread managed by a ForkJoinPool, which executes ForkJoinTasks.
LongAdder One or more variables that together maintain an initially zero long sum.


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