Package org.infinispan.util

General utilities that are not specific to Infinispan, including string parsing helpers, reflection tools and collections and containers designed to supplement the JDK-provided containers.


Interface Summary
FileLookup Holds the logic of looking up a file, in the following sequence:
InfinispanCollections.Function<E,T> A function that converts a type into another one.
InfinispanCollections.MapMakerFunction<K,V,E> A function that converts an entry into a key/value pair for use in a map.
ReversibleOrderedSet<E> A set that allows reverse iteration of the set elements, exposed via the ReversibleOrderedSet.reverseIterator() method.
TimeService Encapsulates all the time related logic in this interface.

Class Summary
AbstractMap<K,V> Similar to the JDK's AbstractMap, this provides common functionality for custom map implementations.
Base64 Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
Base64.InputStream A Base64.InputStream will read data from another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
BeanUtils Simple JavaBean manipulation helper methods
ByRef<T> This class can be used to pass an argument by reference.
ByteArrayKey Deprecated. This class will disappear in 6.0 with no direct replacement.
ClassFinder Find infinispan classes utility
CollectionFactory A factory for ConcurrentMaps.
DefaultTimeService The default implementation of TimeService.
EnumerationList<T> An Enumeration -> List adaptor
FastCopyHashMap<K,V> A HashMap that is optimized for fast shallow copies.
ForwardingList<E> A list which forwards all its method calls to another list.
ImmutableListCopy<E> A lightweight, read-only copy of a List.
Immutables Factory for generating immutable type wrappers.
InfinispanCollections Static helpers for Infinispan-specific collections
LegacyKeySupportSystemProperties A wrapper around system properties that supports legacy keys
LegacyKeySupportTypedProperties An extension of TypedProperties that has support for legacy keys.
ModuleProperties The ModuleProperties class represents Infinispan's module service extensions
ObjectDuplicator A helper that efficiently duplicates known object types.
Proxies Proxies is a collection of useful dynamic profixes.
ReadOnlyDataContainerBackedKeySet A Set view of keys in a data container, which is read-only and has efficient contains(), unlike some data container ley sets.
ReflectionUtil Basic reflection utilities to enhance what the JDK provides.
SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V> Where is Java 1.6?
SslContextFactory SslContextFactory.
StringPropertyReplacer A utility class for replacing properties in strings.
SysPropertyActions Privileged actions for the package
TimSort<T> TimSort, backported from JDK7 sources (build openjdk-7-ea-src-b77-03_dec_2009).
TypedProperties Type-aware properties.
Util General utility methods used throughout the Infinispan code base.
WeakValueHashMap<K,V> This Map will remove entries when the value in the map has been cleaned from garbage collection

Package org.infinispan.util Description

General utilities that are not specific to Infinispan, including string parsing helpers, reflection tools and collections and containers designed to supplement the JDK-provided containers.


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