Interface InternalExpirationManager<K,​V>

    • Method Detail

      • entryExpiredInMemory

        CompletableFuture<Boolean> entryExpiredInMemory​(InternalCacheEntry<K,​V> entry,
                                                        long currentTime,
                                                        boolean isWrite)
        This should be invoked passing in an entry that is now expired. This method may attempt to lock this key to preserve atomicity. This method should be invoked when an entry was read via get but found to be expired.

        This method returns true if the entry was removed due to expiration or false if the entry was not removed due to expiration

        If hasLock is true, this method assumes that the caller has the lock for the key and it must allow the expiration to occur, ie. returned CompletableFuture has completed, before the lock is released. Failure to do so may cause inconsistency in data.

        entry - the entry that has expired
        currentTime - the current time when it expired
        isWrite - if the expiration was found during a write operation
        if this entry actually expired or not
      • entryExpiredInMemoryFromIteration

        boolean entryExpiredInMemoryFromIteration​(InternalCacheEntry<K,​V> entry,
                                                  long currentTime)
        This method is very similar to entryExpiredInMemory(InternalCacheEntry, long, boolean) except that it does the bare minimum when an entry expired to guarantee if the entry is valid or not. This is important to reduce time spent per entry when iterating. This method may not actually remove the entry and may just return immediately if it is safe to do so.
        entry - the entry that has expired
        currentTime - the current time when it expired
        if this entry actually expired or not
      • handleInStoreExpirationInternal

        CompletionStage<Void> handleInStoreExpirationInternal​(K key)
        This is to be invoked when a store entry expires. This method may attempt to lock this key to preserve atomicity.

        Note this method doesn't currently take a InternalCacheEntry and this is due to a limitation in the cache store API. This may cause some values to be removed if they were updated at the same time.

        key - the key of the expired entry This method will be renamed to handleInStoreExpiration when the method can be removed from ExpirationManager
      • handleInStoreExpiration

        default void handleInStoreExpiration​(K key)
        Description copied from interface: ExpirationManager
        This is to be invoked when a store entry expires. This method may attempt to lock this key to preserve atomicity.

        Note this method doesn't currently take a InternalCacheEntry and this is due to a limitation in the cache store API. This may cause some values to be removed if they were updated at the same time.

        Specified by:
        handleInStoreExpiration in interface ExpirationManager<K,​V>
        key - the key of the expired entry
      • handleInStoreExpirationInternal

        CompletionStage<Void> handleInStoreExpirationInternal​(MarshalledEntry<K,​V> marshalledEntry)
        This is to be invoked when a store entry expires and the value and/or metadata is available to be used. This method is preferred over ExpirationManager.handleInStoreExpiration(Object) as it allows for more specific expiration to possibly occur.
        marshalledEntry - the entry that can be unmarshalled as needed This method will be renamed to handleInStoreExpiration when the method can be removed from ExpirationManager
      • handlePossibleExpiration

        CompletionStage<Boolean> handlePossibleExpiration​(InternalCacheEntry<K,​V> entry,
                                                          int segment,
                                                          boolean isWrite)
        Handles processing for an entry that may be expired. This will remove the entry if it is expired, otherwise may touch if it uses max idle. The return stage will contain whether the entry was actually expired or not
        entry - entry that may be expired
        segment - the segment of the entry
        isWrite - whether the command that saw the expired value was a write or not
        a stage that when complete will return if the entry was expired